Nursecel copes

1  2020-03-01 by Sardinops


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Cool story, bro


  1. Nursecel copes -,*

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the (((tropes))) here are endless

literally lolling at the fact that millions of incels would die for this cute ricecel and she doesn’t even see them as men 🤣

doesn’t china have a surplus of men

i literally can’t imagine how annoying she has to be for this to be a problem for her

idk maybe she has a penis

Yeah but an asian penis is pretty much a vagina.

she's over 30

So how annoying did she have to be for the past 29 years for this to become a problem for her

where's my fedora when I need it the most. now what am I gonna tip?

Brb going to wuhan

Egg check.

the post went viral


Chinese Marjan Sicklic. He also wanted the government to provide him a girlfriend.