John McAfee has every rightoid’s worst nightmare - achieves enlightenment instead.

1  2020-03-02 by YungMoneyLaundering


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R.I.P to that girl you called a slut in class today, she was a virgin🔐 . the pregnant girl walking down the street, she got raped . the boy you called lame he has to work to support his family . the girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. the girl you called fat, she's starving herself . the boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying👼 . think you know them? You have no idea... Guess what? 99% of y'all don't know what people going through


  1. John McAfee has every rightoid’s wo... -,*

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Blessed 👏

I can only hope that one day I'll be as lucid as McAfee while slowly dying of ladyboy-contracted syphilis. Cocaine is probably the only thing keeping the man alive at this point.

the man invented the worlds most effective aphrodisiac so hard he got the attention of the Belize government

I suspect it would be faster to list the fetishes he doesn't have.

Living the Lolibertarian dream

These tweets are kinda... Crappy.

Make a donation to Thai trans organisations or something, they could desperately use the extra funding. Human rights for Thai trans people aren't particularly good.

signed you're truly

- angry woman, writer, commissions welcome;

. [Warning: I make fun of transphobes, a lot.][DMs open] (she/her)

Papa McAfee has probably funded far more than her little organization would

Its as if these troons just have an automatic feed for anything with the word trans, seriously sad.

Thank you Lord Jesus for allowing me to be banned from Twitter, Amen.