1  2020-03-04 by dootwthesickness_II


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I gotta sell my Trump puts before it’s too late.

I'd stay put, but wait four months before making any more bets on Daddy.

Based malarkey merchant

Dementia Daddy 2.0

Hillary still at 100%. Buy Clinton.

Biden will fall out of a window in the White House within a first week in his confusion

/u/the_reason_pete wins there's hope for you yet.

They’re going to do the same shit to them twice in a row wow not even trying to hide it ahaha

I a bit out of touch with Burger politics (somehow).

Can someone explain to me what the Berning Man did this time?

Der juden candidate did nothing, basically the rich white woman is staying in the race at this point for the sole purpose of splitting the votes and tanking Bernie's chances of winning so Biden can win. Note she went back on her initial famous promise of taking unlimited shadow money, and that's was when she was losing. She literally has more money from that than any other candidate. Ask yourself which billionaire or corporation would give a GUARANTEED loser $15 million dollars for nothing in return, or if they had something else to gain.

Nothing other then be a socialist. Reddit is a poor bell weather for us politics

bell weather


Sorry I’m not poor and my phone autocompletes things for me.

Can I get a tldr on what's going on. Why did Bernie odds drop?

Biden wasnt expected to come out as strong as he did on super Tuesday, made the odds for Bernie pretty high. But in reality he got bitch smacked

So we should expect Trump V Biden

Most likely yes. Sanders would need to work some real Jewish blood magic to make it happen I believe.

Damn, what tf happened to Bernie?

he's a socialist with no political experience who's about to fall over dead from old age

The powers that be have spent $15 million dollars in 2 weeks on a guaranteed loser to split the progressive vote and sabotage Bernie's campaign.

Lmao that doesn’t compare to mini mike spending 600 million and steals millions of votes from Biden

So after nominating pretty much the only candidate who could lose to the angry orange last time, this time the Democrats want to nominate creepy Joe? God, I'm glad I don't live in Burgerland...

The internet is not the real world, I've never heard anyone IRL talk about the "creepy Joe" meme. Even on this site, I only hear it from conservautists, dramatards, and chapos.

Lol @ the fact that Beto was always dead bottom

This chart only goes back 1 month.

Still funny