Guy whores out dead wife for karma, some aren't happy with his big pimpin lifestyle.

1  2020-03-04 by jewdanksdad


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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. Guy whores out dead wife for karma,... -,*

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who cares, he was probably married to a heckin doggo pupper cunt who would have done the same shit. these are the same faggots that write that they love strangers and they'll be there for them without meaning it to feel good about themselves help the other person and be nice, upvote the most faggiest aids infested heckin doggo memes, then dunk on this guy with his faggot died cunt wife trying to feel better about his miserable life.

he was probably married to a heckin doggo pupper cunt

Spot on!

Tell us your karma secrets, u/mechaschmeck

u/mechaschmeck has been whoring out his wife for karma for a while now.

The only accomplishment his wife made was dying and having Reddit remember her for a few weeks. I'll prove that Reddit forgets by reposting his pics after some time.