Is Bernie Bro seethe an unlimited resource?

1  2020-03-04 by ProEvilOperations


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People on r/sandersforpresident keep spamming donation links. I don't know much about burger politics, but isn't winning Super Tuesday a make-or-break sort of thing?

Doing awful on Super Tuesday is a drop out kind of thing

Sanders technically didn't do awful, he just got cucked by biden

he didn't do awful, Biden just did a lot better than expected


bruh i'm not a berniefag, i'm just sayin he didn't do completely awful

compared to what was being predicted a week ago bernies ass hole has been left gaping open by biden

that is absolutely correct

Sort of irrelevant really, the dnc will shaft him despite whatever the plebs want.

Thank god

They're still hoping he can win the 2016 primary.

god this seethe is so great


for sure no he is super old

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. Is Bernie Bro seethe an unlimited r... -,

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Salt is flowing!

Back to back years.

Salt mines are producing boss!


any of you guys physicists? how do we harness the seething hatred of berniefags and turn it into electricity? we'd put the renewables industry out of business overnight. shit, maybe even coal and nuclear.

You'd be better off building a generator fueled by cuckoldry and hooking it up to r/politics.

Is there one of these where he says "listen here fat". Because that was his peak.