A BPD person has emotions that are usually at 75% if not close to maximum intensity whether good or bad. It's not like the dumb cunt is pretending, she literally feels suicidal over and over again, even if it's over something minor for us. People with BPD are like the social equivalents of hand grenades, they take from you then destroy you, except a hand grenade only works one. Too bad these people never actually go through with it.
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Mentally deranged individual keeps asking redditors to write their shitty book for SIX YEARS
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The lack of blacks was the first thing I noticed! How funny? 😂 I wish I grew up in this era...
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🗿DEUXCHADS🗿How I feel when a troid is having a meltdown from one of my shitposts
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Repost 😔Police mistake homeowner for burglar, arrest him even after identifying himself.
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Mentally deranged individual keeps asking redditors to write their shitty book for SIX YEARS (reddit.com)
submitted 43 minutes ago by KINGANNA
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Speaking as: INeed2Pronounz
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Then there's the one pyscho following them around posting warnings about them for over year or so.
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[–]INeed2PronounzThank you Kanye, very cool! 1 point just now
A BPD person has emotions that are usually at 75% if not close to maximum intensity whether good or bad. It's not like the dumb cunt is pretending, she literally feels suicidal over and over again, even if it's over something minor for us. People with BPD are like the social equivalents of hand grenades, they take from you then destroy you, except a hand grenade only works one. Too bad these people never actually go through with it.
r/DeuxRAMA's Waifu 1 point 37 minutes ago
That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.
Mentally deranged individual keeps ... - archive.org, archive.today
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-05
That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.
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1 TITUS__-ANDRONICUS- 2020-03-05
Lol for 6 years?
Then there's the one pyscho following them around posting warnings about them for over year or so.
1 INeed2Pronounz 2020-03-05
A BPD person has emotions that are usually at 75% if not close to maximum intensity whether good or bad. It's not like the dumb cunt is pretending, she literally feels suicidal over and over again, even if it's over something minor for us. People with BPD are like the social equivalents of hand grenades, they take from you then destroy you, except a hand grenade only works one. Too bad these people never actually go through with it.
1 BalkanCommandoForce 2020-03-05
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Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like: INeed2PronounzThank you Kanye, very cool!(edit) Welcome to Deux
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Cute Red Panda ...and 13 more » RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS Mentally deranged individual keeps asking redditors to write their shitty book for SIX YEARS • points | 2 comments The lack of blacks was the first thing I noticed! How funny? 😂 I wish I grew up in this era... 2 points | 1 comment 🗿DEUXCHADS🗿How I feel when a troid is having a meltdown from one of my shitposts • points | 6 comments Repost 😔Police mistake homeowner for burglar, arrest him even after identifying himself. 55.0k points | 5172 comments clear account activity
• Mentally deranged individual keeps asking redditors to write their shitty book for SIX YEARS (reddit.com)
submitted 43 minutes ago by KINGANNA
2 commentssharesavegive awardreportcrosspost all 2 commentsnavigate by subscribe sorted by: best 0/10000<b>Bold</b><i>Italic</i><del>strike</del><sup>sup</sup>Link>Quote<span style="font-family: monospace">Code</span>•Bullets1.Numbers<span style="border: 1px black solid;">Table</span> Speaking as: INeed2Pronounz big editorformatting helpcontent policy save
Commie Mommy Milkers 2 points 28 minutes ago I'm killing myself
Lol for 6 years?
Then there's the one pyscho following them around posting warnings about them for over year or so.
permalinkembedsavereportgive awardreplied
[–]INeed2PronounzThank you Kanye, very cool! 1 point just now A BPD person has emotions that are usually at 75% if not close to maximum intensity whether good or bad. It's not like the dumb cunt is pretending, she literally feels suicidal over and over again, even if it's over something minor for us. People with BPD are like the social equivalents of hand grenades, they take from you then destroy you, except a hand grenade only works one. Too bad these people never actually go through with it.
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r/DeuxRAMA's Waifu 1 point 37 minutes ago That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.
Mentally deranged individual keeps ... - archive.org, archive.today I am just a simple bot, not* a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
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1 LongPostBot 2020-03-05
If only you could put that energy into your relationships
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1 ShitpostingFiesta 2020-03-05
Whats up with that dude who's stalking anyway, fucking weird. I thought it was a bot at first lol.
1 Chapose 2020-03-05
Actually 4 years ago she said she was looking for 5 years, so she spend nearly a decade now lmao