Roki Vulovic - Panteri / Mauzer

1  2020-03-05 by BalkanCommandoForce


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10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial bitch. I used to buy crappy quality tools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.


  1. Roki Vulovic - Panteri / Mauzer -,

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The first song Panteri in reference to the famous Serb unit Panthers, and the second song Mauzer dedicated to the guy who founded and led the Panthers. Apparently they weren't involved with any rape or murder so I guess they were pussies, although being an official unit of the government may have something to do with that.

Unlike our dearest friend Arkan, who started a paramilitary unit from his footbal club and the local ultras(shocker) to go on a murder and raping spree. Arkan went on to become a big time mafia lord after the war and was assassinated. Mauzer went on to be a decorated police chief that arrested many war criminals and corrupt officials. He was assassinated after a local convicted murder and mafia lord was let out of prison to murder him for money, and then sent back to keep running his gang from prison. dis dey serbian culcha