Real pizzashill here AMA.

1  2020-03-05 by professorshillphd



I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Why are you gay?

I'm not.

Are you black?


Are you black and gay?


lame smh

Are you a b*lkanoid?


Why did you get back with Pojom after she cucked you for a discord server

Also why did you pee on your keyboard

Well, the first part is made up, the second one I was too drunk to walk and splashed a bit on the keyboard.

Well, the first part is made up

Hate to break it to ya, but...

I'll trust the evidence of my own eyes and ears over credulous drama user, tbh.

Post evidence.


Why not?

Don't care enough.

Or you don't have any...

Both parties (your broad and the cucker) said they had cyber sex. Why do you think it didn't happen?

Again, no they did not. You people are so absurdly uneducated and desperate you took something out of context and ran with it because it's literally all you have.

I've heard recordings. You're wrong, you'll remain wrong, and no matter how many times you repeat you'll still be wrong.

Go sit in your little discord with a median income of sub 40k and stop cyber stalking me. It was cute for the first few weeks, now it's cringe worthy.

>Two people confirm it happened

>You break up with your girl for a week

>Suddenly you have a recording proving otherwise that you wont share

Youre better off not sharing this "explanation" lol

A) I broke up with her for a single day because I took you morons at your word.

B) We got back together almost instantly as I heard the recording and realized you guys were just idiots.

C) I don't care enough, I don't need to show you shit because you're completely irrelevant to me. I've seen what I needed to see, and thus don't give 2 shits what you think or say.

Go back to gossiping in your discord servers like the 14-year-old teenage girl you are.

Why are you in a relationship with her in the first place, aren't you setting your sights a little too low?

Either you're lying or your e-gf records all voice chats

She does record all voice chat specifically because she's aware you guys are pathological liars.

Recording people without their consent. That's gonna be an oof and a yikes from me.

Oh no, how dare someone record to protect themselves from known pathological liars on the internet.

protect themselves

From people calling them a cuck?

No, to prove you tards wrong when you invariably try to lie or distort reality so you can spam personal attacks at people you don't like.

Keep up that gossip though you teenage girl.

personal attacks

You mean people calling you a cuck, which is what I said.

Again, keep up the gossip you teenage foid.

Where's the gossip in my comment? You're saying that she records to protect y'all against personal attacks. In this particular case, these personal attacks are people calling you a cuck on the internet. How is this incorrect?

Additionally, how does your e-gf, who is constantly reeing about misogyny as a white woman in the US, reconcile this with having a boyfriend who literally calls women "foids"? Yikes!

You morons sit in discord servers and run your beta bitch mouths like teenage foids.

I'm very disappointed in you, pizzashill. You used to make actual arguments, but now you just hurl ad hominems without any substance for no real reason.

There's no argument to make. I've correctly identified you guys for what you are.

You don't argue substance, you don't even attempt to argue substance. You're literally a flock of mean girls and embarrassingly stupid people.

Lol "protecting herself". The only thing she's trying to protect is her e-reputation with the so called "pathological liars".

Any >10 IQ person would've left the chatroom instead of secretly recording people.

Really, because she used the recording to show me you were in fact liars.

Seemed to work out.

Lol they did cyber. You just believe it was jokey enough to for you to be okay with getting cucked. I'm just telling you how it is from a primary source.

Also excited for when you start denying your e-girlfriend records all voice chats in 6 hours as she tells you you shouldn't have said that.

Again, I have the recordings. I'll trust the evidence of my own ears over a mentally ill teenage foid.

Stop being mean to your e-girlfriend.

How do you even know all this shit about him lmao

He has a presence in online chat apps


bottom text

How's it going with you and pojom? Are you guys meeting up soon?

Already have and will again soon.

Awww hope that all goes well!

Why wont you get a job?

Worked for years. am rich, don't need to anymore.

That's why you do it for free?

In general I just like making people upset.


what's your opinion on the foid v. troid debate?

Troids are so desperate to blend in they became "hyper foids" and cancel any advantages out.

This is the only correct take. Based as always Pizzashill.

Yiff or hentai?


Lame. Jesus or Mohammed?



Fuck you Mohammedan.

Anyone that hasn't taken the islam pill just wants foids to destroy society.

Imagine not being sedevacantist in the current year +6.

are you actually a phd?

Do you still hate women?



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Based as always.


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Real pizzashill here AMA. -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

What have you been doing since you were banned from r/drama?

Why did you name your username professorshillphd?

Because I hold a PHD in internet shilling.

Why do they call you pizzashill?

A conspiratard called me a pizza shill back during pizzagate.

I thought it was because DrPizza was already taken.

ur actually kinda cute

Thanks, that's what my grandma used to say before we lost her to a bloodless heart surgery at the witness hospital.

You look like a hairy brown watermelon with severe depression.

I gave you good investing advice. Did you take it, goy?


Gud. I made commish on it.

Can we share accounts so I can keep up w lawlz stickies while the sub is locked?

No sorry.

u/masterlawlz can you approve me so I can buy him another 80 day ban

Yo question. Can you delete the reference to Deux you made in your sticky? If too many rightoids join this place too fast without at least semi-assimilating AHS will start on this place and that would put the entire dramasphere in jeopardy. And if arrdrama goes I might actually have to do something with my life. Not good.

Fair point, it’s been redacted. Although AHS trying to go off on drama would be wild.

Thanks! And yeah that would probably be pretty intense. I think Deux handled being linked by AHS pretty well by completely spazzing out. Seemed to confuse them or something.



Why don’t you answer my calls anymore?

Because you died to a fent OD years ago.

Are you even a yank? Describe for me the perfect authoritarian anarchist society.


When are we going to see you on the news after being attacked by shitlibs?

What kind of fucking nerd posts an AMA on this shit subreddit?

I hope you realize you are wasting your life. I hope on your deathbed you look back in agony and regret.

On my death bed I'm gonna have my grandkids wheel out the photo album that contains my greatest internet arguments.

You will never pass on your genes. You are a genetic dead end like the rest of us.

When is the last time you and POJOM were in the same room?

Put the money in the bag 💰.

This is a threat.

have u and pojom fucked yet

A good morning to you as well, sir.

literally who?