Maximum seething as r/politics discusses who is the biggest meanies on the internet

1  2020-03-06 by Cosmosvicious


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R.I.P to that girl you called a slut in class today, she was a virgin🔐 . the pregnant girl walking down the street, she got raped . the boy you called lame he has to work to support his family . the girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. the girl you called fat, she's starving herself . the boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying👼 . think you know them? You have no idea... Guess what? 99% of y'all don't know what people going through


  1. Maximum seething as r/politics disc... -,

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Do these people ever shut the fuck up about healthcare? They've been convinced that healthcare is the greatest issue in the world. These commie fucks like Bernie use "healthcare" as the trojan horse for their totalitarianism.

Bernie Sanders is very weird to me. Some of his policies like healthcare are sensible actions that the rest of the world has had for a while, but then he goes balls to the wall crazy and say he wants rent control and socialism. I really don't understand burger politics.