Virgin Paragraph long argument vs Chad One liner

1  2020-03-06 by finitewaves


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Could you imagine being as alpha as grandpa joe

nice cock bro. a little on the small side, but the shape is overall pretty symmetrical, and your balls have just the right amount of hair.


  1. Virgin Paragraph long argument vs C... -,

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how do i open pdf 🤣

Also notice how Bernie is making a scary bird head with his fingers, attempting to evoke primal fears in Joe. But Biden's composure is unaltered; he withstands his fearful instincts, for he is above that.

Do you think Biden remembers who Bernie is or is more like “why is this old homeless man yelling to me about healthcare”

Imagine how based it would be if in the middle of one of bernies paragraph rants biden ust says "who are you again?"

Charging fatties $1000/dose for insulin sustains the health insurance industry. We’ve found a way to monetize a disgusting lack of willpower. That’s the American way. Go back to Europe