As refugees from the three dozen subs banned in the latest shoah flood the rest of reddit, their attacks against vulnerable minorities (read: troids) get more brazen (and entertaining)

1  2020-03-06 by Reddnecksbullyingalt


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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I’m not a boomer and I hate gays and trannies. I’m having a blast in my heterosexual relationship where we have something called values

Yeah we all know that the only value a muh truhdition caucazoid has is the latest price his dealer is giving him on fentanyl

you know people other than bloodline children can remember you, right? it's not the 1500s anymore

Implying your self obsessed tranny friends even give a shit about you.

this is too based to resist though

Wait so if you give people a reason to stop using your platform and do so in the most obnoxious and opaque way possible, they’re going to use their accounts in ways that don’t comply with the terms of service? :OOOOOO

Its kinda funny, cause reddit was practically founded by contrarian losers on the spectrum. Youd think it would be obvious that such people would only be more motivated to keep going when told to leave

On a more serious note, has reddit ever banned a sub as big as GRU before? Didnt they have like 250,000 subscribers

Powerjannies and Reddit administration are having trouble coping with the sudden realization that updooterinos don’t translate to real votes and they’re just lashing out blindly in a desperate bid to avoid having to acknowledge that Reddit has collective political clout equivalent to a homeless man shouting on a streetcorner. Less, actually, because R*dditor 🤢 culture actively drives real people away from the associated politick.

Not sure how many GRU had and I’m too lazy to Wayback Machine it rn. CA and MDE were huge though. I think CA was larger? But we were quarantined for way too long and I have no idea what the member count was anywhere near the end. This is somewhere in the top 3 for sure tho and it’s only going to hurt their bottom line.

Wasn't r/cringeanarchy pretty big. r/watchpeopledie was a huge one too.

Cringe Anarchy was over 300k I can't vouch for WPD

Wow, that place is awful! Found them quoting and tagging you there. Also, looks like you responded but they deleted your comments? Seriously, ignore that place. It looks like they just enjoy dumping on things that people enjoy, which is all manner of sad...

Honestly I had no idea that sub existed, apparently neither did she. Then they tagged her over there and... lolcow? Is a thing. It's a person they "milk for lols"; don't ask...

It is way, way, way more toxic than her edit. I think she just edited her post to address her own confusion as to why a group of emotionally stunted folks would do that... but, hey, it's the internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  1. As refugees from the three dozen su... -,

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Coppy past from AHS.


As he rides his mobility scooter down the shoulder of highway 95 towards Walmart, the tradcuck reaches for his cell phone. His natural enemy, the troon, has made a post on Reddit. If he does not seethe in time, his blood pressure will cause a heart attack, killing him in seconds.

jesus christ who takes themselves that seriously

just all over that fucking thread my god

How can you possibly be surprised that a place like r/soyboys is filled with retards?


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