President Trump is now making dementia jokes about Biden

1  2020-03-06 by hyledog


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A lot of Fentanyl-Americans are about to have their medicaid cut, which is probably why he left that out. They are literally about to die from dunking on the Mexicans so hard. It won't be flashy drama but at the end of the day you can revel in that knowing that it's happening.

Fuckin lol

"I will protect your Social Security and Medicare, just as I have for the past 3 years. Sleepy Joe Biden will destroy both in very short order, and he won’t even know he’s doing it! "

publisher: @realDonaldTrump

Which, of course, is hilarious, because Trump is currently in the process of trying to cut social security and medicare.

Looks like Biden isn't the only one with a bit of dementia. Sleepy Don doesn't even know what he's doing.

Why are you always such a buzzkill, also will you E-date me , I can send pics so you know I’m not an uggo

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


  1. President Trump is now making demen... -,*

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It's such a fabulous time to live for every DeuxCHAD and Dramanaut!

wonder if he'll get in trouble with the new hateful speech twitter policy or if the tweet(s) are subtle enough for it not to be enforable