Bernie goes GLOVES OFF

1  2020-03-07 by TrappyIsBae


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. Bernie goes GLOVES OFF -,

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Too perfect

WTF is a surrogate? How is a senator stanning for Biden a surrogate and the millions of NEETs wanting Bernout to wipe out their bills and need for a job not surrogates?

Do not say stanning or stan. Don't make these words become common you fat furry degenerate homo.

Too late. They're already common and silly sounding, like shagging was and for the same reason. The Stan kid wanted to blow Eminem like Eminem wanted to blow Shaggy and Violent Jay before he got BTFO.

Obvious pander to the black vote, but he'll never beat obama man.

Cope harder berno

Poor jew trying to beat the 2nd black president's boy so he can run and lose against the 3rd black president.

Truly why does Bernienhate blacks?