This watertard comment basically sums up r/Drama and its Discords.

1  2020-03-07 by mackson2000


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Mad respect for the man that sees the fool in himself but campaigns for kingship, regardless

His comments are cringy but entertaining too. Based dramapilled tankie

That’s cool and all but I only read things that are one paragraph at the maximum, please do not do this in the future.

I still can't tell if he is a troll or not



That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. This watertard comment basically su... -,

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I skimmed it and that’s more than literally anyone else is ever going to do because I have books that are shorter than that post, but it was actually a decent, if unbelievably gay, comment. From a chapocel and a SRDine. What a time to be alive.

wm isn't retarded, he just wants people other than myself to have nice things and I can't forgive him for it.

Reading that will turn you gay

u/watermark1917 how does it feel to waste stims spergposting as an srdine? With that kind of firepower u could help a black actually pass his classes

When I do stims the urge to waste time writing retarded longposts on reddit is very strong actually. These sorts of longposts though are the result of the dual effects of stims and sleep deprivation. You get all the firepower of the stims with even less self control and inhibition, it really gets the creative juices flowing for those times when you need to write out a bunch of tangential nonsense and word salad for strangers on the internet to gawk at.

Like I'm not even going to look at the replies, it makes me cringe that I just wrote that shit, I never want to see it again, I get nothing out of it after I push the send button. Compulsive writing is just a thing that feels good when you're on speed. It's like a really good long fap session, like the orgasm is awesome after you've fapped for three hours, and that's three hours you're distracted from the wreckage that is your life. But you just fapped for three fucking hours, you really don't want to think about it anymore.

But I'm not going to delete it. A stim addict must go down with his longposts.

based and tweaker pilled

amphetamines fucking rock but at some point the show has to end

Are you actually on drugs or nah

It's the least depressing explanation

Do you have any hobbies aside from typing long, rambling nonsense posts? When people use the phrase "creative juices" , they are usually talking about creating a thing of beauty, or at least something useful to the world.

This is your mind on meth folks. Stay safe.

Can’t seem to view this link. Wanna help me out, buddy?

I used to abuse the shit out of adderall and I would have such an amazing time pounding out novels and novels of horrifically verbose shitposts on social media and it was the most satisfying thing in the world.

I’m super anti-drug now, but I felt this post so hard.

I'm having flashbacks to my degenerate "gotta go fast" days πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Watermark gets UPVOTED in SRD

More proof SRDines are less than an animal.

I ain't reading all that shit lmao

u/watermark1917 😘😘😘😘😘πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Man, even sardines can't take that shit.