Reminder to rapefugees

1  2020-03-08 by Kellere31


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The point of contention is really that allied nations had no good reason to be cucked. Like why the fuck do Brits, Americans, etc. have to get guilt tripped basically as hard as the Germans when they were literally on the right side of history?

The vast majority of allied fighters were still racists and shit, and Jews still are quite openly.

The Soviets were on the right side of history.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Reminder to rapefugees -,

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Man, Poland really got the raw deal in that whole situation.

Poland is the tight spinner twink everyone wants inside of.

Polish bussy got me sweating...

Poland is not a country lmao ๐Ÿคฃ

They just moved it a bit to the west. Also some Commies taught the Poles how to read for the first time in history, which they still seething about on the internet. Honestly I think teaching Polacks how to read and write is probably the worst sin of the Soviet Union. They are natural born peasants that want to sling mud at each other and take the orders of their Kraut lord. This is the natural state of a Polack. It was misguided of the Russians to try to change who the Polacks were by forcibly industrializing and educating them and giving them modern healthcare. An educated Polack knows nothing but seethe, the only thing they can do with the knowledge of how to read and write is make the rest of the world as miserable as they are.

my favorite part of the whole nazi saga is people forgetting that its bussy was split in two during a fored DP session between the american and soviet schlongs

The thing I don't buy is that all ethno-nationalists are Nazis. Like England was an allied white ethnostate at the time, and the US was still very much racially segregated. And after winning the war what did they do? Literally form a brand new ethnostate.

The whole notion that the war was ever between "supremacy tards" and "everyone else" is pretty fanciful. Everyone involved in WW2 subscribed to some form of racial supremacy.

iโ€™m pretty sure anyone that isnโ€™t autistic knows WW2 wasnโ€™t fought cus of the nazis killing da jews

If we were concerned about Nazis being mean to the Jews before WWII we probably wouldn't have specifically racially excluded them from immigrating the United States and largely responded to early reports of oppression and attempts by refugees to flee by shrugging our shoulders and saying "Not my problem". Even after WWII, like Israel was in large part just a result of the huge number of Jewish refugees created after the holocaust and the fact that nobody wanted to deal with them. So we shoved them onto boats and sent them to Palestine and were like "Here you go, here's some land for you live on, and over there are its furious current owners. Good luck, kthxbye". They won ofc and this created a bunch more refugees, but they weren't Europes problem, so all was good pretty much.

so 90% of academia is out

Nobody liked England. The USA was happy to let them get ass pounded until we got pulled into the war. We should have asked for cash up front to save them to make it worth our while. Same with most of Western Europe.

Tbh the entire period of the early 20th century was dominated by some really creepy and extreme forms of scientific racism and social darwinism. The Nazis were the apex and extreme form of this, after the war people looked at what the Nazis were doing and rightfully condemned it. But it was only natural extrapolating backwards and seeing forms of that stuff in their own nation.

Like post Civil War notions of racial equality gave way slowly over a period of about 30 years to ever more extreme racial supremacists. A lot of blame is put on reconstruction and its failures. But even after federal troops left the southern regimes in general were not that extreme at first. A lot of states were dominated by moderates at first and moderate options among white southerners were just as popular pretty much as conservative and radical white supremacist ones. However the radical supremacist ideology slowly grew in power. In 1890, Mississippi passed the first constitution that essentially stripped blacks of voting rights. In about a decade one by one ever southern state fell and passed similar restrictions.

1891 was also the time when the first public lynching of a black person in Oklahoma. And after this point lynchings of blacks exploded, black people were not actually that commonly lynched before 1890, and lynchings in general were not a public thing before this point. But the lynching in Oklahoma received wide and largely positive coverage. And I'm talking in New York newspapers, not southern ones. I once posted this and of course the immediate response was defensive, someone was took the guilt of the party in question as a given, after reading literally nothing about the incident besides this surreal article from a journalist not even bothering at impartiality or hiding the jizz leaking out of his pants, and was narrowly focused on the guilt or innocence and crime of the person in question. Seriously, you are missing the forest for the trees. This was not normal. It wasn't normal for tens of thousands of people to drive in by train and crowd around the platform and watch. This kind of coverage of the incident, was not normal. Reading it is frankly entirely surreal in retrospect. So public, shameless, out in the open lynchings of blacks exploded all over the south, they were widely attended social gatherings. It was not a traditional southern practice before that time, contrary to many people's notions.

At first many southern governors, like even white supremacists, were taken aback by the sudden introduction of mass popular violence, and opposed it, because they were law and order types who disliked the lack of process. One Georgia governor who opposed lynchings was for the duration of the rest of his term constantly mailed pieces of people who had been lynched, as a joke, because his position was considered laughable. Anyway these politicians were largely replaced in short order.

The practice only abated somewhat after controversy over actual pictures of a particularly brutal lynching in the 1910s where someone was burned alive. The people who actually took these pictures did so largely because they wanted momentos. But actually seeing the violence of people smiling in front of the charred remains shocked the nation and caused a lot of pushback. After this point lynchings largely receded because southerners realized that it was making them look bad.

Two of the last lynchings in the nation took place in the county in which I grew up.

The early 20th century saw the south completely rewrite the history books with the Lost Cause narrative. People all over the nation were sympathetic to this largely garbage account that cast the south as some sympathetic victim, you had films like Birth of the Nation. Seriously, just go read the summary of Birth of a Nation, it makes me want to vomit. This was Woodrow Wilson's favorite film. This is actually pretty much what started the KKK. Like the actual original KKK was more or less dead by the late 1860s, it was an insurgency crushed by the federal forces. The modern KKK and all its predecessors was basically just fanboys of Birth of a Nation larping.

The 1900's also saw people literally importing "savage" races from colonies and setting up human zoos, they put a pygmy in a human zoo, an entire tribe of Filipino aboriginals. There was moral indignation, largely from pastors and religious groups, but this was largely mocked in the press, which was largely taken by scientific racist notions and considered it ridiculous that anyone could consider a pygmy as a human being and not some lesser species.

In the 1920s, we passed an immigration law that more or less restricted immigration to northwest europeans, because we were worried about the racial inferiority of Jews and Polacks and Italians immigrating at the time. When Coolidge signed this, he is said to have proclaimed "Let's keep America American!" This was the slogan of the larp KKK fyi. The 20s also saw forced sterilization programs. Which literally gave the power to just forcibly sterilize people without trial who hadn't committed any crime, and was found constitutional somehow.

It was only after we won WWII and saw the excesses of that period that there was a serious pushback. It's not a mistake that Brown vs. Board of Education passed after WWII. There is no way it could have passed before.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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u r very badass

i don t get it

east germany


german democratic republic

ok youre that type. consider yourself blockerd

Haha gay

A part of Germany became a Soviet satellite state in the aftermath of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany.

it s not very polite to just interfere in other people's conversations. be on your way

As a native German, I retain my right to invade other people's conversations, homes and countries as I see fit.

If you were a true German you would flee the continent and assume a new identity because I have (rightfully) accused you of being impolite

You're confusing Germans with limeys.

The free section of Germany during the Cold War.


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u made peoples mad and got down voted

Tbf they got assraped by a coalition

That being said nazis wanted to suck muslim cock so big yikes

Maybe they should have.

Tbf they got assraped by a coalition

The Nazis were also in a coalition.

They were not. The axis signed a pact that basically said they would fight on the same side if a war broke out. Thatโ€™s about it.

Compare that to the allies who shared finances, equipment, weapons, production capacity, and coordinated military actions together, none of which happened on any appreciable scale between Germany, Italy, and japan.

Seems like a pretty weak plan by the Krauts.

The one failing of chad is that he will always handicap himself to further flex on virgins

true chads are basically disabled and incapable of logic

The hardest pill to swallow is the truest

Imagine if they actually had a good plan

Then I'd be speaking g*rman ๐Ÿคฎ

the axis powers had social autism and no clue what an alliance was or military tactics, just knew to surrender

real master race shit

Hitler at one point controlled all of continental Europe, which had to be like what, half of world gdp at that point.

Hitler playing the long game.

Tfw you have to fight 130 Jewish led countries by yourself and it still takes them years

Damn, these Jews must be pretty smart to control 130 countries.


*Willing to do what it takes to win.

imagine seeing that as a negative trait lmao

Don't forget strong.

And yet also weak at the same time ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Œ

Must be pretty horrible to be kicked out of 109

Makes it all the more impressive they kept control of them.

t.low iq nonmultidimential manipulator

Well when we were finished with them, they weren't worth staying in. Imagine thinking the 109 isn't part of the plan ๐Ÿ˜

weird how these jewish led countries were all extremely anti semitic and lacked any jewish leadership at all

Just makes it that much more impressive.

even worse, they begged that they were just following orders


There are non ironic fans of Nazi Germany?

They were quantitatively and qualitatively worse than their enemies. Even Nazi "super science" was something the Allies could easily match, when they weren't using their resources to bend Germany over and assream them instead.

I guess they had snappy uniforms tho, so wannabe clotheshorse faggots might be into that.

Even Nazi "super science" was something the Allies could easily match,

Einstein was a German Jew. Your levels of wrong so many times your almost right

Einstein was never a Nazi. It's an ideology so cucked that their best assets became part of Chad Allied science.

But I'm not being completely fair to the Nazis. They almost had the market cornered in development of giant stupid tanks, so they had that, at least.

Ok so the Americans stole the nazi scientists so that means they are superior to nazi super science?


The Nazi scientists did their usual Nazi things with the Nazis.

The Americans graciously welcomed some of the best and brightest non-Nazi Germans to help cuck the Reich during the war.

And, of course, the other Allies did their part in topping Nazi technological achievements too.

They were outfought, and more importantly, outthought by their enemies. Being a fan of the Nazis in a military and scientific sense is like being a fan of the Washington Generals: interesting to watch, but destined to fail.

Anglos are like crazy obsessed with and mythologize Nazi military figures, it's almost bizarre. The Soviets are dismissed as asiatic hordes who were totally quantity over quality. A lot of Soviet technological advances in the period were really impressive though. And by the end of the war the top Soviet generals were amazing and easily better than anything the Nazis had. Or really any of the American generals, who hadn't done nearly as much fighting and didn't have the experience. It's seriously depressing that Rhommel is worshiped like a saint and most people don't even know who Georgy Zhukov is. Just because of the Cold War, we suddenly had to pretend that WWII was just some island hopping and Normandy and then some nukes and that's how we killed Hitler.

The Eastern Front was World War II, that was when hell rose up to Earth for a bit, a single thousand mile long battle of annihilation waged to the death by tens of millions for four years, with no mercy offered, and none given. The Second Sino-Japanese war was a smaller conflict that merged into it. The rest, some minor skirmishes.

Dude Einstein was not part of operation paperclip lmoa

Although for much of his life it would have been illegal for Einstein to immigrate to America because he would have been considered inferior stock. He immigrated before that point though, pretty good call to hop off the train Germany was going on at that point.

They almost had the market cornered in development of giant stupid tanks

American and Soviet tanks were better. Fite me.

Why? That's literally what I just said.

Who the fuck thinks building a giant land fortress is a good idea to win wars? Anime weebs and Nazis, that's who.

The T-34 had some technological innovations early on in the war, for instance it was the first tank with sloped armor. It was quickly outdated though and clearly it's advantage largely became numbers. That said the German tanks were just the Krauts jacking themselves off. The Tiger I was an engineering marvel so complicated that only a couple of thousand could be produced in seven years. The Panzer IV was a tank that had been good a decade ago but was both outclassed and massively outproduced by the T-34. The Panther was basically the Germans trying to make their own T-34 after getting pwned by them early on and still overengineering things because they can't help themselves. And none were even delivered until 1943, like lmao, the battle of stalingrad had already happened, Hitler was just stalling his suicide at that point, it was pointless.

The T-34 was dead simple to produce. It was unreliable and would fall apart in a month but it wasn't expected to last that long in battle anyway and by the time it did you'd have a dozen more shipped in in its place. It concentrated on all the things it had to to help them win the war, it was reliable as it needed to be to last its estimated service life, and not a second longer, it ignored everything that wasn't necessary.

The American Shermans were better overall and the Soviets definitely preferred them quality wise when they had them available. But they were only delivered I think by 1944.

๐Ÿ˜จ wait, did watermark just make a constructive post?! holy shit, deuxrama is better!

Imagine thinking watermark seriousposting is a good thing.

nazi scientists retard not german jews

They did develop guided missiles though.

There's an absurd amount of propaganda out there about nazi Germany. Most nazi Germany fans think Germany had this insane technology lead on everyone else, most commonly they're between the ages of 18-28 and play paradox games and cite German tanks.

Of course, Germany didn't even have the best tanks of ww2 if we use real metrics, but muh tiger.

If anything, Germany in ww2 is a tale of extreme incompetence above all else. The ural bomber being a prime example:

Amazing what a small country was able to do to the rest of Europe. Must have been that retard strength.

More like apathy and a general sympathy for Germany among the elites of other European countries.

The soviets at first weren't ready for them at all. France was a joke with questionable leadership and outdated tactics. The Brits were, well, the Brits. Everyone in general let Hitler get away with far too much before they declared war. And Germany was no pushover, they were a powerhouse in Europe.

Germany did as well as they did due to serious failures in leadership in every other country. Not so much because they were special, or competent. Once the war dragged on and other countries mobilized the level of German incompetence became more and more clear.

So you're saying Germany did better than every other euro country?

By sheer luck, if anything. Once people actually responded Germany got fucked up beyond belief.

Man, that's pretty cool when you are more competent then everyone by sheer accident and then the entire world has to team up against you to win.

The other countries really had their shit together though. They were just retarded and weak compared to Germany by accident as well.

But he wasn't competent. Once we look under the hood, Hitter used smoke and mirrors. The economy relied on conquest to function.

Because the economy relied on conquest to function, they had to keep moving the date of military action closer, well before Germany was able to sustain a multi-front war long term.

Let me word this in a different way - imagine you pick a fight with a guy twice your size. Imagine you know that guy is going to absolutely shit stomp you if you don't win within the first 30 seconds.

Sure - you make a good effort in those 30 seconds, but you fail to knock him out and end up getting your head stomped in. Does that seem like competence to you?

Gotta take.a few risks when you come for the thousand queer reich. Maybe next time ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ค

Yeah, maybe next time they won't act like genocidal tyrants in every country they capture, thus bolstering a large partisan resistance and rallying the people behind hated leaders.

Maybe next time people will realize that he literally did nothing wrong ever and they should have backed the right ๐Ÿด

Well, he did everything wrong, including being delusional enough to think Germany was gonna win some transcontinental naval clash against the final boss, America.

He was just trying to pull Germany up by it's bootstraps. You have to dream big.

Yeah. German tanks great in many regards, but weren't the best in all of them. The real advantage the Panzerwaffe had was in doctrine rather than strictly in technology -- much better concentration of tanks in single units, having radios in every single tank, better internal ergonomics, better division of duties of crew members of tanks. As the other nations caught up in terms of doctrine in 1941/1942/1943, those advantages evaporated.

German tank design was also questionable. Even if were to agree the tanks had superior engineering, the real issue with them was they were too expensive and hard to build.

They got blow away in tank production by the soviets. The soviets had produced some 33 or 35k t-34s and over 20 thousand t-34-85s.

The germans had only managed to produce 1300 king tigers and 7-8k panzers. And Germany had been producing tanks for longer than the soviets had at that point.

For some reason people tend to forget the most important part - having superior engineering isn't relevant when the other guys out-produce you 4-1. I'd take 4 shermans or t-34s over 1 king tiger.

Nazis having the best tech, lol. Hitler refused to build nukes because he considered modern physics to be โ€œJewish scienceโ€ (based).

They eventually capitulated to the idea that modern physics was necessary for building an atom bomb.

Most of their reputation of high technology came from propaganda and premature deployment of other technologies. Like, the Nazis never hesitated to deploy half-baked technology as they started to lose.

The propaganda had a lasting effect on German language. Their term for "wonder weapon," which the Nazis often used seriously, is now used to refer to something that doesn't or won't live up to high expectations.

between the ages of 18-28 and play paradox games and cite German tanks

Like so many things you wouldn't know this because you're not as old as I am, but this just an echo of the wave of wehrabooism in tabletop wargaming of the 1960s-1980s. It was much more extreme back then and we're only starting to get to mainstream understanding of history that's more based in facts.

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I mean it kinda was a 1v4 situation

That's what every little man who picks a fight in the bar says after getting in a couple of surprise shots and then getting beat down.

All while his retarded wop buddy drunkenly runs into the wall, and his Asian friend goes around trying to rape the table next to them.

Fair, they did undeniably start that shit

this thread retarded

Satellite state of two stronger nations, we split you in half like war loot lmao. Technically three ways if you count Australia. Eventually though the stronger of the two was like gimme and now you're united in your subjugation.

One part of Germany decided that they could distract from negative their sack of Greece by taking in a boatload of muzzies from Syria (who were apparently running away from something, even after all Germany had done to help them out by giving shit tons of suspiciously heavy crates with 'humanitarian aid' scrawled on them to secular moderates). Five years later and it seems like you've got Nazis again. I guess Krauts are a bit like Gremlins, except with Syrians instead of water. Who could have known. Just a bit of advice, if there is a third time, there won't be a fourth. A Polack-Baguette border is an abomination that we do not want to have to birth into the world, but you have to do what you have to do.

Australia though is based af, and decided to become like slavs but with kangaroos. As based as you possibly can be while squatting in an Adidas uniform and seething about the Siege of Vienna in Kraut.