What are women even good at?

1  2020-03-09 by agrees2retards

Last night, my foid told me that she doesn't watch YouTube makeup videos by females anymore. She only watches males because they are better. She pointed out that this faggot called James Charles has better eyebrows and skin than the foid makeup YouTubers.

So I thought, if men are better than women at makeup, which is supposed to be a woman thing, then what are women even good at?

Cooking? If I asked you to name 3 famous chefs, none of them would be women. You would say Gordon Ramsay, Guy Fieri, and SpongeBob.

Cleaning? I've googled world's best janitor, and I got an article about a hard working male Chinese janitor. BTW jannies, he makes $155,2902 a year 😂

Now I see men are dominating women sports, becoming models, pornstars, and even babysitters.

The only thing left for women is birthing children. And those lazy foids don't even want to do that. But those dumb gussys don't realize, when the only thing that they can do has been taken over by troids, it's over for women.

Making babies without eggs


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Good morning I hate women


women are a species of parasite that evolved to exploit certain weak spots in the male psyche, and leech off of their capacity for physical and intellectual excellence. They interrupt their development into full humans in order to remain in a childlike state in which they have greater access to the sympathies of the fully develop male, sympathies once reserved for actual children.



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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. What are women even good at? - archive.org, archive.today

  2. Making babies without eggs - archive.org, archive.today*

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I wish women were good at learning to shut the fuck up sometimes


It's because we're not allowed to teach them anymore.

Not in an effective way at least ✋

Some women can, but then you have ones like the creators of the Vagina Monologues.

Those women wanted to lecture everyone so hard, they started talking out of a second hole.

Men are simultaneously better at talking and remaining silent than women. How is this?

This post has an awful similarity to lawlz, plz sticky.

more like pizzashill

this post goes very hard

Nice pasta

Not pasta. I wrote it.

It is now

your posts are getting better

thank deuxchads

Cock and ball torture

It's because they don't know/care how it feels.

i have got feelings

Ruining things

Nobody can fucking read that

Ok but now do meth and read it.


Inset JPG meme here<

The weird thing is it’s rendering fine for me using Apollo.

Ah, then its imgur that's fucking up. They compress the shit out of their mobile pictures, But I can't access the Desktop version.

Screenshot the thing and post it again. This time with desktop version preferably.

desktop is the same

Becouse it’s opening the mobile link genius.

that is a minuscule very blurry screenshot

when u save the thumbnail

Works on my machine

cool thumbnail bro

It’s fucking over for foidcels. Men are the future sweaty

Unironically true. Sad times

It's over for eve-cels.

Forgive me for seriousposting, but women weren’t always this bad and this isn’t a problem just with them.

A bunch of demographics have become super delusional because nobody is willing to call them on their shit. It’s kind of funny, if you don’t have someone willing to be seriously critical to you, you’re more fucked than anyone in the long run.

what are your other least favorite demographics, if i may ask? im guessing like, hollywood types?


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Jews are insufferable, yes, at this point I consider American Judaism to be a personality disorder rather than a religion or ethnicity. And that’s because I know a fair number of them personally. Like I can only imagine what they tell those kids in Jewish summer camp my god.

The homos forgot that they’re supposed to at least pretend they’re not just a bunch of perverts, and they dropped the ball on trans shit. If I could buy puts on bussy I would.

Blacks are kind of a step ahead in this equation since they’re feeling the consequences already, hopefully they figure out how to stop doubling down.

As much as I hate to admit it, )))genuine white people((( aren’t in great shape in this department. I feel like we do get plenty of shit, but not where we actually deserve/need it.

Pretty based analysis, honestly.

I'm in Texas, what I see here, or what I've seen here for the past 30 or so years is Mexican Americans are the major demographic group who are really moving up in the world.

It turns out all those things the Hollywood degenerates want to destroy, you know, things like strong traditional families based on traditional gender roles - those things seem to be the things which make a group the most upwardly mobile.

Where I live, if you become good pals with a Tex-Mexican, you'll soon wind up being friends with all of their cousins too, and their grandmother will be smiling and hugging you when you see her in another year.

I'm sure glad I've never made an enemy out of any of those folks.

Just don't hug any Mexican grandmothers if you feel sick. Those abuelitas are at high risk for Coronavirus.


Asian women are the only ones who are shamed enough

They can’t even cry about non existent problems as good as trannies 🤮

Lmao they just had a bunch of foids ring the opening bell for the stock market hahahaha

that explains why it tanked so hard


High IQ post

Peeing distance, duh 👃💦💦🐈💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦


This is a man’s world!

But it wouldn’t be nothing, NOTIN’

Without a bussy on his lap.

Even trannies are becoming better models than some women smh

Ikr. The current models in Germany's next top model are all fugly except for the tranny.

mean :(

Moaning moaning moaning moaning and moaning until the system bends to their wishes.

Why would you ever want gussy when the perfect wife has a bussy?

femdom and having a pussy, pretty much.

They don't have Y chromosomes but men have an X. We could get rid of women and bring them back if we wanted to. They couldn't do the same thing.

le foids bad

i wonder (((who))) is behind this