Message to all r/Drama Jannies

1  2020-03-09 by Fughtmeulilbitch

I find myself right now in one of the epicenters of coronavirus in Europe, I am begging you to please open the gates I am isolated and have nothing to do and might 41% myself soon. I qualify for refugee status according to international law, your rejection won’t go unpunished.


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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deuxchads watching like Ivan Drago

Girls who do porn -- but don't do anal-- are NOT "pornstars".

If you do porn and have have vanilla sex on camera for money, you're just a regular chick whose sex videos are on the internet.

I'm so sorry that I hold the title of "pornstar" to a modicum of professionalism.

If I predict the weather for the next week and upload it to YouTube that doesn't make me a fuckin' meteorologist.


  1. Message to all r/Drama Jannies -,

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What he said. I want in too.