Groomers be like

1  2020-03-09 by GWashingtonsGhost


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Fun fact: little league coaches are statistically more likely to molest your kid than drag queens.

Drag Queen Little League. Sounds like a great idea.

Nips out mandatory.

Let’s see those statistics please

X to doubt

Because drag queens advertise visually that you ought to keep your kids far away, even if a few are blind to it.

If drag queens were around children as much as little league coaches are i imagine it’d be a lot different.

Cope. Uncle Dave is who you need to worry about. Danger doesn't always come announcing itself.

Just because you had a bad experience with Uncle Dave doesn’t mean we should let the kiddies run around with sexual deviants.

I’m sure more kids have been touched by Uncle Dave than Michael Jackson but that doesn’t mean we should let kids play with MJ.

Gays are bad, m'kay

That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day

Fun fact: homos are statistically more successful at molesting your kid as little league coaches than as drag queens.

his eye makeup on fleek tho

Ok groomer

the 26 year old bosgroomer

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


  1. Groomers be like -,

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Your bosmer memes are good but this is just homophobic and it invites that certain group we don't want here.

Ok groomer

There is 0 science that says trans is real. Other than the sense of it being a mental disorder

You literally have a photo of yourself dressed up under the trans flag. Explain.

Literally isnt me and it's a meme...

Shame. Unless....


You calling me a trap?

made it is sexual fetish it is whole lifestyle

judging by your shocking apostrophe usage looks like you have a mental disorder too 😂😂😂

Oh so when authors break traditional writing norms its art but when I do it in crazy smfh

sweaty, the difference between them and you is about 100 points of iq

Awww someone's gonna cry they getting mad

Sure it's a mental disorder, but the only treatment for a severe gender dysphoria is to transition into a gender that is not their biological sex. (There might be weaker forms of it that can be treated differently, but it's not always the case.) Also all the trans people that don't have dysphoria are not real trans.

That's entirely wrong. For something to be considered a treatment it has to work (which is doesnt cause you cant change gender/sex), and two it isnt effective at making them less depressed/anxiety, and most of the time it worsens. The only treatment is therapy and mood regulators. The trans sugery needs to be completely outlawed and punish any doctor that does it with fines and jail. It is literally barbaric and has no place in our society. Even the person who developed the sex change hospital in the us eventually turned away from it and said it was cruel.

I know it's just anecdotal evidence, but I have watched videos of trans people saying it worked, and that they are happy. I think the most important thing is to somehow filter out the people it won't work for, so only the ones transtion who won't regret it, and they will be happier. The problem is that it is pretty hard to do in the current political climate, where doubting someone's trans identity is considered transphobic, and a whole cult developed to indoctronate everyone they could into it.

Edit: Also gender means the cultural and social roles which is decided by society, while sex is the biological aspect which is decided by biology.

The term gender was made to confuse people and blur the lines between reality. There really is no such thing as gender. All there is is sex. You cant identify as something you're not. And the gender roles are decided by evolution, not society.

the only treatment for a severe homosexuality is ECT

I want to transition into a fursona, tbqh.

this is just homophobic



Do you get a kick out of being a tranny defender?

Yes, it's fun.

Is this seriously the state of the sub


The salt from all the copers

Don't doxx the jannies

Posting this on AHS