Looks like the Australian justice system is gearing up to do it's usual thing, and let convicted paedophile Cardinal Pell go, because the evidence was suspiciously convincing.

1  2020-03-10 by thowaway_throwaway


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wow this faggot did something funny for once 👌👌😄


  1. Looks like the Australian justice s... - archive.org, archive.today

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People have a hard time recognising a psychopath and he surely is one. ABC pilloried him last night on a show called revelations. Have a look.

Gtfoh dumbass, he was wrongly convicted with claims that made absolutely no f’cking sense and the high court made the right decision. The high court knows a lot better than all these low profile judicial courts that are dumb af, and sadly people like u won’t admit ur wrong in saying he was guilty. All these people making false rape claims and ruining other people’s lives. Stfu. All these media companies will do anything to ruin the Catholic Church and it’s followers, but in the end justice will always prevail.

I don’t have a hard time recognizing an anti-Catholic bigot

I don't have trouble recognising a phantasist.