Strayans stop sniffing petrol for long enough to join in the fights for TP

1  2020-03-10 by FChoL


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This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. Strayans stop sniffing petrol for l... -,

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Yeah the daft cunts have been at it for weeks now

Lol saw this while getting a slice at Abo's Pizza.

Why over TP though? If shit gets so bad that you cant leave the house, just use a towel and wash it afterwards, rinse it if you dont have the means to properly wash it. But there are things more difficult to substitute than toilet paper in an emergency.

because some dumbcunts think their TP is made in chyna and therefore will stop being produced due to corona-chan

in reality it's all made in a shitty rural town called adelaide

Look at how fat those people are. Their diet probably means needing a lot of TP.

I will literally die without the essential resource of toilet paper.

Strayan here, I just take a shittereedoo in the yard paddo and wipe her off with a bit off old English word thins.