Indians have already engineered a Coronavirus cure

1  2020-03-10 by ProEvilOperations


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>be me, a corona virus
>enters indian man's body
>gets bullied by other pathogens on day one
>I leave the host at midnight
>I die alone in shame

Stop, this will arouse u/cassanovanova too much


Wash your hands!


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Oh shit oh fuc

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Indians have already engineered a C... -,

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"People In India Are Bathing In Literal Cow Shit To Try And Cure The Coronavirus "

publisher: @barstoolsports

links in tweet:

Those Indians will use whatever excuse they have to sit in cow shit. They'd be sitting in cow shit even if Corona virus wasn't a thing

Curry made with water from the Ganges also works wonders

people joke about India superpower in 2020 for years

in 2020 India has next to no cases of Coronavirus

Really makes you think

When most of your old people die of shitty sanitary conditions, corona chan has no chance

Coronavirus doesn’t stand a chance when your body is a literal battle royal of pathogens. India truly is a superpower.

become immune to coronavirus by letting it die from ecoli

holy shit this is some 2020IQ play

My Mom is from Iran, she hates Indians for being "dirty". I now know why.

Poo in the hot tub

If you look in the replies they also apparently drink cow piss