Reddit defends a woman's right to give her child Greta alcohol syndrome

1  2020-03-10 by REDDIT_IN_MOTION


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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YTA. I would say NTA for not wanting to buy it yourself, but then you got into the whole "baby's mine so I can control what you do" which treats her like an incubator. And that's so far beyond not cool.

Kill all redditors

Whats dumber, giving your baby FAS or going to reddit for advice?

this guy managed to crash through both branches on the way down

Based branch crasher



Science agrees with me: sorry sweaty reality has a liberal bias

Science disagrees with me: actually we need to remember that scientists are all bunch of bigots so this study is probably biased.

God I hate redditors

Oi you got a source for that opinion

I'm generally a fan of appeals to scientific consensus, but in this case, you're overlooking a broader context: the skewing of medical science by misogyny/ignorance.

If climate change meant that white foids had to stop drinking wine they’d be climate change deniers

Holy god redditors are retarded.

YTA. Even if your wife wants to birth a crack baby, shrieking from withdrawal the very moment it leaves the womb, you have no right to stop her. Her body, her choice.

Do we need any more confirmation that the average Reddit user is 13?

Jesus fuck, why do I still come to this fucking website

I used to think that i was average-sub average on the intelligence scale. After 4 years of browsing reddit i feel like im at least in the top 10%.

If you think comparing yourself to reddit gives a reliable result you need to subtract 65 IQ points from your end result

Looking at their profiles, I would guess that AITA's average user is a 35-yo cat hag. Not surprising given the nature of that subreddit.

LOL some of the most related subreddits by user overlap are r/askwomenover30, r/childfree, r/weddingshaming and, alarmingly, r/pregnant.

Goddamn I love it when the uncharitable assumptions I make about the people I dislike are true.

Stereotypes are stereotypical for a reason.

Haha, relationships, bestoflegaladvice, and the justnomil cluster of subs are all right up there too. The exact same insufferable style.

Wow. What a horrible list lmao. Just no SO, childfree, seething about other people's wedding, subs about hating your parents, another one hating your family, "womenover30"

I don't know how I wouldn't just shoot myself if I lived such a miserable life. Why not end it at that point? Is getting fucked by your dog really enough to compensate for your pathetic existence? Maybe, idk

Of course there's overlap with crazy women subs. AITA's a sub dedicated to people begging for unwarranted validation from strangers coupled with the opportunity to shame and blame "mean" people for no-no behavior. Throw in a story about dogs, and you've got reddit's "women" drooling.

Because redditors are the new tumblers and its great

Foids brains don't develop further after the age of 13 so that's why it would seem that way.

But mom said one glass a week was fine!

Someone brought up an article from the CDC and their response was “yeah... they may be doctors but doctors are know to be misogynistic”.

I swear this shit just made my night. To me this is so ridiculous it’s even funnier than watching the Bernie bust.

I saw that same reply.

I cannot believe a real person typed that.

R*dditors are not people

Women's empowerment means women can never be told "No".

Only a misogynist agent of the patriarchy would suggest otherwise.

Not just that. You should also praise every one of their decisions, especially the most retarded ones.

Not to defend redditors, but even compared to most other subreddits, r/AmITheAsshole is a flaming dumpsterfire holocaust of idiocy.

I’d rather take advice from SRD or even (ugh) r/RaisedByNarcissists than listen to anything that those fucking mindless retards in AITA have to say.


By allah I have found the SRDemon in our very own home


More news at 11

I'll use this opportunity to remind everyone that pregnant women are literally incubators by every single definition of the word.

I do not cum into incubators

You don't cum into anyone, incel.

Do you just go on the internet and accuse people of not cumming

Only when they first claim that they do cum

Where was it claimed? Youve been exposed. Apologize and be on your way

You expect someone on the internet to APOLOGIZE for something? By Allah, you are retarded.

Then be on your way, you Albanian. Better be gone before Im done taking off my shoe


Based and molonuxpilled

She has every right to do anything that she wants to do

It's my god given right to give babies FAS!

Look if I wanna boof a little ketamine while I’m preggers you can’t stop me, it’s MY BODY.

Ket would probably be less harmful to the fetus than alcohol

Pregnant, I have got.

Ketamine, I will do.

Do not cause FAS, I should.

id ask if you were retarded but it seems redundant

Why are they even having this debate in the first place? Alcohol is haram.

They are infidels and must die by the sword, inshallah.

coronachan can't work fast enough it seems

booze the fetus, bigot!

Most the recommendations for pregnant women are based on weak research or no research. They take a very strict better safe than sorry approach despite it's affect on women. Instead of saying they don't really know the effect of something and it might be a risk they just tell women not do it. It's ridiculous.

I wish their parents drank more

Good morning

Gretal Alcoberg Syndrome*

Wine Moms: the final phase

All around the world people drink a bit while pregnant

Establishing islam as best religion again inshallah

That’s the craziest thread I have seen in awhile. How are redditors still finding new lows

lmfao @ redditors acting like doctors would actually say wine is fine when ur pregnant

she’s been a champ for 4 months or 2 weeks or whatever just let her drink with ur unborn baby

yeah ok totally not an alcoholic btw

I’m torn.

On one hand, dude foids lmao

On the other hand, this is the mayocide

I'm generally a fan of appeals to scientific consensus, but in this case, you're overlooking a broader context: the skewing of medical science by misogyny/ignorance.

May Allah save us in these dark times.

Imagine humanity dying out because everyone is a barely functional fetal alcohol victim.


Jesus fucking christ, you can tell they've never had to deal with people who have FASD, it's a goddamn nightmare.

Alcohol, as far as we can tell, always hurts fetal brain development. Not likely to get a definitive answer, as randomized controlled blind trials where you get pregnant women blasted then dissect their children's brains are hard to get funding for. Anyways, you can definitely fuck up rat brains at 0.05 BAC, that's what, a glass and a half of wine for non-fatty non-lush women?

Not that it matters. If she can't go a few months without jonesing hard enough that she can't be assed to look up if she's hurting her baby, then she definitely binged before she found out that she was pregnant. Which is of course when the brain development is most susceptible to alcohol.

Seriously, don't have kids until you are deliberately trying to, willing to not drink while trying to, and get every gene test you can.

Sounds like she went nine months.

On one hand, redditors are retarded, and that foid is retarded, but deuxredditors thinking a glass of whine means full-greta is also retarded.

Utterly based

Gunna make a smoking one to upset manlets now



Good fucking morning

It feels like every few months there is some post on r/AmItheasshole or something about this subject.

what nigger language is this

All children should do meth. Where else will they get their daily dose of vitamin m from?

Boys this is it, I’m gonna fed post if I’m not careful

Mommy needs her whine!

Imagine not being able to abstain from alcohol for 9 months so you lessen the risk of your offspring.

Her body her choice? hey made the baby together and has 2 parents? I've seen a lot of clown world shit but as someone who wants to be a father this makes my blood boil



Good morning, btw how can Redditors say they believe in science then see this and say that yes FAS is good?

70+ comments here and not one of you retards even tried to wrangle one of these cows with a little light pinging. 🤦‍♂️ out Out OUT

How much of an alcoholic do you have to be to need wine to relax?

Well, I googled a real expert: Dr. Paulo Ubiratan , head of a hospital in Porto Alegre in Brasil.

Should I limit my alcohol intake?

Dr.Ubiratan: Absolutely not. Wine is made from grapes, fruit that is. Brandy, sherry, port and Cognac are all made by removing the water from the grape. Only good stuff remains. Beer is made from grains and hop. Don’t limit yourself too much with healthy drinks. Stay away from diet sodas.

So, alcohol can not be harmful. Science is on the side of wine moms. Americels with their mysogynistic CDC can fuck off.


She started screaming at me to buy her some alcohol, saying it was her body and her choice to drink the alcohol. She hung up, when I got back she was furious with me, and is refusing to speak to me.

Reminder that this is a legal adult who has the same voting power as you.

My god I love Reddit. They would say a pregnant woman should play in a men's rugby league as long as it went against the man

she read an article about it not doing any harm.

What was the authors last name? What did their nose look like? I bet I can guess.