It's over for kaffir-cels

1  2020-03-11 by MikeStoklasa-cel


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Based and allahpilled

Red wine is truly the alcoholic beverage of the gods.

It's over for beercels

No it's moonshine

Except if you're a serious alcoholic then you'll get red stains on everything you own within 48 hours. Also you'll vomit all of it back up.

He said "of the gods," not "of the wagecucks"


new name me tell you for disbeliever

what we haffi call dem? dirty kuffar

dem no respect di almighty one

trow dem in di fiya dem a burn burn burn

you see di national front man dem? dem a dirty kuffar

di ku klux klan? dem a dirty kuffar

di bnp man? dem a dirty kuffar

di ronald reagan? was a dirty kuffar

di national front? dem a dirty kuffar

trow dem in di fiya

Cope harder