State of the Subreddit: Why arr slash drama gonna be private for awhile.

1  2020-03-12 by heeehaaw


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Tfw I was immediately permabanned on my brand new account because of some faggot that ripped my name

Peach brother. Do you have any pain killers or opiates you could spare?

I would sell you some if I had any, but I got a job and it’s easier to make money this way now.

They should just hurry up and delete it already 😤

One day reddit as a whole will be deleted 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🙏🙏Wholesome 100🙏🙏

Its not like deuxcels can read this anyway.

Unapprovedcel cope

Not gonna beg the jannies to approve me I'm sorry sweaty

thinking cock sucking the jannies is something to be proud of

A true redditor

It's a feminine cock, bigot. 😤

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Dramacels forever cucked by chad AHS.

so when do the reddit admins finally figure out that allowing people like bardfinn to run around shitting on the site isn't good for reddit as a whole?

Day of the permabanned 41% when?

Sounds like bullshit but whatever. Decided I’m gonna come here more often even when drama is open, tired of these spurges

For the unworthy:

State of the Subreddit: Why we're gonna be private for awhile.

submitted 8 hours ago by pewkiemuffinboo

As we know this subreddit is 80% better when private and the general unwashed masses are not allowed to post or comment here, but we all know that this subreddit cannot survive while private as y'all morons have the attention span of a hamster and eventually it'd wither away into nothing.

We will not be private forever, however we will be private for awhile. Why?

The killjoys over at r/Againsthatesubreddits managed to piss off a person and/or group of people they are calling "4channers" (they're probably not actually from 4chan but their mods are really out of touch and that's where they think they're from) that are posting child porn to random subreddits that AHS hates. Why they are doing this we do not know.

The mod "team" over at AHS (you can guess who) have been very outspoken about this and essentially Streisand Effected this into "a thing," and now this streisand effect is shitting all over any sub tangentially related to the shithouse that is r/AHS.

For this reason we are remaining private until r/Againsthatesubreddits and the admins can clean up this mess. The mods of this subreddit are absolutely unwilling to participate in a sitewide drama concerning child porn and until the threat of having our modqueue, and/or our usebase affected by this illegal shitposting is alleviated we will remain private.

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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So /drama is scared of drama

That makes a lot of sense.

When I modded /r/Drama i deleted some crazy shitposts

So rAHS is blaming rDrama for the CP in r/coomer and the likes?

No. Instead of deleting the post, banning the user, and reporting it to the admins like normal mods, AHS mods have decided to advertise that they are being spammed with CP. For whatever reason, the trolls are now doing this to any subs that are linked to AHS. /r/Drama is quarantining itself from being accused of hosting CP.

Hot take: I've heard that AHS have been accused of posting illegal content to subs with hardly active mods in order to get those subs banned. By posting the illegal content to their own sub they can play the victim while they continue to post illegal content on other subs. This is just a theory.

Your hot take is what thought too. It's just an AHS cover up.

Notice that they block out the username of whoever is posting the content. An odd choice for a subreddit dedicated to name and shame tactics

And delete and ban if the comments are civil but they don't like the factsbcoming out.

How was the pay?

not bad

We should make deux private for the same reason.


in the span of 2 weeks deux has become unrecognizable from arr drama 🥳


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me with adhd

hamster attention span

Yo kang I feel attacked n sheyt nigga

Lol their jannies and ball washers can suck each other off or whatever but in the meantime I’ll be trying to find this sweet child porn everyone’s been talking about

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