/r/LGBT shows what happens when you give someone several mental illnesses, too much free time, and MS Paint.

1  2020-03-12 by UnalignedRando


so r/sumggies ?

With AIDS.

Ok but why is it Ms Paint? Haven't we gotten past that? Please refer to it as Paintx.

My bad. I'll add a trigger warning.

Add a trigger warning to the word trigger too. That igger is really triggering.

The word "trigger" really does seem like an insensitive label for that kind of warning, especially considering firearms are almost certainly the most common cause of the kind of trauma that requires it.


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It’s deleted so I can’t see all of it, does anyone have the full version?

No, get your own nerd. 😎

50% mental illness 45% "please keep suicide hotline phone number saved", 5% normal

Fairly standard metrics for lgbt these days.

Did anyone save the image? Op deleted their post lmao.


Damn, it got deleted

Anyone got it saved?

Only had to go down twice and to the left. Thanks for making it so easy Anon. Weird you had a bunch of other stuff though

Weird you had a bunch of other stuff though

All you need for that is a "kill yourself" label.



Imagine thinking this hard about what gets your dick up and where you want to put your dick.

This is what the NEETbux are for. To free the hands and minds of those people so they think about those issues all day long.

To free the hands

Only one hand

Nah they need both hands for that. One to hold the fat flaps, the other to blindly seek the genitals (all of that made harder by the diabetic neuropathy).

Idk I've seen some bad shit come of people not thinking through places to put their dicks.

User Reports 1: Bussy

what if you're only attracted when they are running from you?

does that make someone rapesexual?

We should make a similar graphic for rapists. I like mine close to unconsciousness, but not so much that they can't try futilely to say no or kind of fight back.

i like it when you get that great combination of terror, disgust, and smidge of lust

And then some other guys (Weinstein) are into coercion. We really need some kind of recognition for rapists, and the rapist spectrum (not to be confused with rapists who target people who are on the autistic spectrum).

i 100% agree. If we create this spectrum, more people will begin to understand the joy of rape

more people will begin to understand the joy of rape

Were you a /r/rapingwomen, or /r/thephilosophyofrape poster by any chance?

why stop at poster?

the fun doesnt begin until all signs read as yes

Libertarian is not an option on there

ah, a common misconception.

allow me to use a video to explain the difference: https://youtube.com/watch?v=AAjNjxjrm_g

Always relevant!

Here's another classic : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpP5FLr0LY8

I only enjoy the thrill of the hunt. The target does not matter, nor the method. Can you help me identify my sexuality?

ah, a very common and refined taste, but it can be further defined. Do you prefer running after them inside, outside, or both? People who enjoy inside generally because you can play games such as run around the basement pillar or kitchen island. Some people enjoy outside as you can play games like "scream as much as you want no one will hear".

tbh that sounds kind of gay imma just identify as not a faggot

It's only gay if you're chasing men instead of women, but don't worry, I won't judge you. The state of New York might though, those cunts.