Say what you want about Fentanyl Americans, but have fun in your industrial urbanite hellholes when pandemic comes through.

1  2020-03-12 by TheBlarkster

Since my university classes are now online because Modelo virus, I get to retreat campus to my middle of nowhere town surrounded by fields of food and self sustainability. Couldn’t imagine being in a urban or suburbanite hellpit when actual pandemic hits. Enjoy martial law and stripped bare stores combined with high transmission rates because of the 8 million retards packed into a gross ass 100 square mile area. While you all die and kill eachother I’ll be safely doing heroin and methamphetamine and eating grits everyday until this blows over in safety. And it any citycel refugees come blowing in we actually have real weapons to force them away. Urbancels OUT OUT OUT!


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What is this?

Your house.

Seriously though, what do you mean, 'what is this'? Do you mean what does it depict? Do you mean how is it done? If the latter, it's ASCII art.

No shit I know what it is lol. It just isn't formatted right on mobile .

Cope harder, ruralcel.

Massachusetts has the lowest rate of uninsured in the country because Mitt Romney gave us mo money fo dem programz, the state just got all the private insurers to drop copays and cover all treatment(which is what Trump just promised but isn't true), the most doctors in the country, and even me personally I will get it soon before most people in the state and get a bed before they run out and start picking and choosing who has to die.

Have fun getting to a single ICU bed 200 miles away in line behind 100,000 yokels that live in a mountain or rust town and get a single visit from a GP on years that end in a prime number faggot. Not to mention most of you faggots will actively be avoiding distancing measures for the sole purpose of saving face for an orange nigger billionaire. Go play minecraft, in minecraft.

Except we won’t need to go the hospital at all because its flyover country and we won’t get hit. And i’ll use the power of an immune system that actually works to just not die if I do somehow get it. Cold medicine nerd, what do you think they make all the drugs we use out here of? Corona aint shit to amphetamines.

Except we won’t need to go the hospital at all because its flyover country and we won’t get hit.

Would be a shame if a single asymptomatic forklift driver infected an entire distribution center and truckers contaminated hundreds of supermarkets in a multi state area. Although I guess we can test your theory of fracking fluid boosting the immune system.

Implying i’ll go to supermarkets, eggs and grits forever from the fields of food around me and my livestock.

Drinks raw milk - dies shitting in a ditch


Another patriot lost.

Can’t handle raw milk, sorry your industrial man titty slave diet made your stomach weak. What do you think kind of milk have we been drinking since the invention of animal husbandry? The agricultural revolution and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Now make this guy brown and change "drinking raw milk" to "shitting on the beach in front of everybody for 2000 years" and see how this attitude is perceived.

idiot i drink milk still warm from the udder still here what you think before mr. pasteur everyone who drank cow milk gets sick well thats not how it is and not how it was. city morons so disconnected from the real world huh

claims to drink raw milk

obvious brain worms

Story checks out

listen grid goes down tomorrow i will be living righteous and pure in Gods own country while you fight off rats for scraps in your modern Sodom

modern Sodom

Finally, I can die ankle deep in bussy

my livestock

Transfer from livestock is how new viruses get introduced to humans. You could contact a whole new kind of coronavirus the doctors haven't even heard of!

This is American livestock not Chinese livestock

Spanish flu started in Kansas

Imagine being a pathetic city-soy who is happy to pay mo money fo dem programs instead of doctor shopping because they are successful and would be a millionaire anywhere in the USA. Lol at poorcels.

I will admit the Dominican or South African model of having to lock yourself inside of your own home or at least living in a gated(prison) community when "rugged individualist" social policy comes home to roost in flyover country is an attractive proposition.

Nigga I live in one of the richest zip codes in the nation lmao. Imagine being stuck in Mass. If you had any money at all you'd be in your summer home. Enjoy your shit healthcare while I pay an extra $2700 a year to doctor-shop celebrity docs on my PPO, loser :)



Even Mitt didn't want to stay in Mass.


picking and choosing who has to die

Realistically, it's going to be all the 80 year old patients who get death panelled. It's obviously better to save a 30 year old with years of economic productivity left in them over an 80 year old who would just die of something else next year anyway.

This is, sadly, happening in Italy right now.

Is anybody under 80 even getting sick? Also lol at implying that any Italian had years of productivity left

The entire economic output of Italy in ten years is equivalent to the nutritional content of raw rigatoni.

I've got years of supplies, tons of ammo, a Wall, and a bidet.

No, you urban bug-men cannot have any of my toilet paper.

lmao good bit

Enjoy your new life on the range

Is this what starts the boogaloo?

yeah dude it’s going on right now. go out and join up! #KAG2020

Reverse holodomor when?

I live in a cave.

Wake up, faggot, it’s time to crush the urbanite