I am 100% positive that places like LGBdroptheT and GenderCritical are alt-right radical Christian havens where they are LARPing as gay/bi people and/or women in order to stir the pot and divide the groups.

1  2020-03-13 by AgarthaSoon


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Transgenderism has literally gone from being considered a fetish to being on the top of the woke hierarchy in a time spanning less than 10 years, which baffles me daily.


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It's because men are better at everything, even being oppressed


Completely true. I don’t actually like having guys fuck me I do it so I can say I don’t want to be associated with troids. Hyper intelligence at its finest

Wait til they find out 90% of people outside of the internet bubble think the transgender fad is absolutely ridiculous and sad


I'd unironically be suprised if it was less than 99%.

Wait till they find out lesbians are just male feminists

90%? those are rookie numbers... gotta pump that shit up

Literally everyone in my workjob team laughed today about some talk of a dude wearing a skirt to work. Who knew Meheecans normal & average people could be so based?

Or just do not care at all, which they say they'd be okay with but in reality is never good enough for them

People are gonna need to hate something. It was the gays for about 1,000+ years and now it’s transgender people.

transphobia wasn't really a mainstream thing until 2015, and it came served with Gamergate.


Trans was barely a word in 2015

Reddit has yet to ban a single subreddit that has been focused on transphobia. Think about that, and then ask yourself that question again and you'll find your answer.

Not true. They banned /r/troomer

and r/transpassingfails. RIP

You can still visit r/transpassing which is the same

And neovaginadisasters


rip r/neovaginadisasters

r/average_tranny too


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I am 100% positive that trannies tell themselves this because it is more comfortable than admitting nobody likes you

Why won't people accept a blindingly obvious mental illness as normal

Everything from "it's a mental illness" to "it's a fetish" to "they can't be effective in the military because of suicide" was all a very common thing to hear about gay people 10 years ago.

This is technically true

Trdfnn makes an appearance later in the thread πŸ‘€πŸΏ

You can just ping me instead

I spent a month last year tagging "clown world" type trolls

Lmao what a lowlife

wonder how much financial compensation he did that for

Don't be shy deadname the fucker. πŸ˜›

Must be exhausting being a troid or a troid supporter and having to find out that nobody gives a shit about trannies over and over again, they just can't get it into their heads that it's just pretty fucking weird for most people

"Women and gay people can't really have radically different opinions than me. So it must be evil straight men LARPing"

Why do these retards unironically believe this? That all women and gay people are innocent and opressed?

The same thing happened with bernouts, once they realised that blacks aren't part of their hivemind they got really pissy tho. Can't wait until the non-tranny fags get in the way of their goals too.

With how much they speak of nazis, you'd think nazis as a group did literally anything worth mentioning in the last 20 years.

We're here, we're queer, get used to it.