Yakko sings a song about the Chinese Coronavirus

1  2020-03-13 by ProEvilOperations


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Keep meming. We gotta get all the jokes out we can before this thing kills enough people that it stops being funny for 20 years.

True true

The more people it kills, the funnier this will get.

When it reaches 6 milion dead...

I, for one, am glad trump legalized booty sex in Botswana so their immune systems could be suppressed in time for corona-chan

Lmao @ Buttswana


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Yep still just using it as an excuse to be racist against Chinese while your own death toll exceeds theirs

The west will take its racism to the grave

Imagine using a global pandemic as an excuse to be racist, the west has been hoist by its own petard

wut How is our death toll greater?

Chinese don’t count as people

I for one love the Chinese. Sure the virus is a bit shitty. But they're pretty based and have lot of cute girls




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