1  2020-03-14 by 32624647


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Why can't I just cut out the middleman and print from home?

FED acting like fratboys at the strip club for the first time


Shilling fool, in the end the Federal Reserve DIES. We now are beholden to a buyers market. Use economic sense. What is the end life of a central bank? Is there one? If yes, how long have they known?

Crypto currencies and traditional precious metals have real value. There are equities attached to either, a currency must be backed by something or it is doomed. Printing paper money, was it a scam? What is at the top of every federal USD?

“Federal Reserve Note” - Note: a financial instrument of debt where a buyer agrees to pay back a sum of debt.

Is debt the end game? What would the world do if the answer was yes? Sustainable lies?

Be prepared to all who read this. Reconcile. Reflect. This isn’t a game.

Copypasta? You’ll find no words like it on the internet. I am OP.

Why do you think that this is a copypasta? 100% my own thumb-and-index typed words off my phone.

Second person to say this with zero proof.

This is the last time I’ll say it. Anyone else will be ignored.

Reconcile with the markets. Interest rates rising? This signals what?

What has historically happened when the FED raises interest rates? Boom goes the economy. Bye-bye Federal Reserve.

Edit: interesting to know that market analysis is “copypasta” now. Think why certain types of people would be here saying this. The Fed stands to lose TRILLIONS. This is it. Be prepared, be safe.

Me in the middle

Pcm is a good sub but its getting too big for its own good.



They're pretty much all right, tho. The scope of it all is so big it won't become apparent in one lifetime, but every recession has been longer and deeper than the last--the same issue we saw creeping up before the Great Depression hit. This technique creates public unrest by suppressing wages. It is mostly gobbled up the by technocratic elite. And, while I don't agree with the funding priorities of the bottom left, it definately crowds out other options (because printing money devalues the total value of existing money and is not, in fact, simply making more money).

It would be fine if this were done rarely. But the Fed has taken to using it the way it used to use interest hikes/cuts in the 90s and 00s: as the a tool of first resort.

Serious post over.