hello , based departement ?

1  2020-03-14 by Ptit-gros


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r/BasedDepartement here, sorry if we are a bit late

yes, this is based department. please hold as we are experiencing an unusually large number of based.

I love Trump now!

Lmao someone needs to make a compilation of all of trump's accidental go off moments.

There must be more than these two


i'm sorry but i think this one is fake

He's summarizing things that Ilhan Omar said in the past

What's more sensitive, the Israeli, or the clitoris? Ilhan Omar doesn't have a clitoris, that's why she's able to be so based.

Praise the martyr Soleimani

Trump was so close to be based , so sad

And to think one year later his state department would be funding and supporting Al Qaeda cells in Idlib once again

Its just taken out of context

orang man gud



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Trump is bringing the best of 1940's politics while leaving behind that era's stupid facial hair. Truly the greatest Potus

Besides killing US soldiers and selling our military secrets to enemy countries what has Israel done to be considered our greatest ally

I hear they’re pretty good at dancing.

Oy vey

Oh gosh I gotta see that! Can't wait to go Google it!

very good dancer indeed

Being a giant country sized CIA base and also a place to send our Jews so we don't have to look at them anymore

That's one of the things people that make the argument that we should pity Israel because it's small don't think about, yes if you think of it as a country it's pretty small, but if you think of it as a CIA base it's pretty huge, by far the largely natsec base in the world

Since when is the limp-wristed commie based on Jews? Wtf

OK how did they get this lmao

Neural networks or was it just an epic cut





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