Sub for women rejecting patriarchy begins to demand patriarchy in strange turn of events

1  2020-03-15 by AlieNNeytioN


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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dont know which is less surprising

male feminist is a sexual deviant


male feminist looks like he never hit puberty


  1. Sub for women rejecting patriarchy ... -,

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Good morning, I hate women.

Based, same.

This is like a parody of a parody. This is what republicans would say the Bernie supporters are like as a joke.

Oh no you dumb bitch! You forgot to consecrate the crystals! Now there's negative energy all over your crystal grid and Bernie is going to lose!

I bet this dumbass also forgot to activate her almonds before milking them.

As much as I hate rightoids, at least they aren’t as prone as leftoids to this kind of retarded nonsense.

Come on, please, this is where the horseshoe really binds together. Nobody asks if you're left or right when you're launching astral projection assaults together against the Jew-grey-reptillians at Area 51.

Yeah rightoids are slurping down potions made of colloidal silver and reciting magic spells from the Book of Enoch

“Hey Jesus, I know we don’t talk all that much, but can you make Joe have a heart attack? Thanks buddy”

Lmao, I'm an atheist, but this is just retarded. I never got the impression that anyone but other atheists and small children confuse prayer with voodoo.

How many boomers do you think are praying nightly that Trump wins? Probably a hell of a lot more than these femcels using crystals.

Yeah but when your insanity is legitimised it’s no longer insanity

Boomer magic has always won, they literally claimed these witches were anti boomer magic and burned them alive back in the day. How can something that powerful be wrong? Riddle me that fam

Euphoric, bro!

t. Triggered Cathbol

a rightoid stays up at night wondering if he's going to get into heaven because of the state of israel, and thinks donald trump was chosen by god lol

donald trump was chosen by god


Meanwhile Israelis are just dancing all day and night and don't have to worry about any of this shit.

Y'all motherfuckers need to get Matthew Hopkins'd.

This happens when you stop treating them as subhumans, thanks r/MensLib

If all their magic shit worked, Trump would be a frog now, or stricken with leukemia, or whatever nonsense they wish upon him daily.

If their magic worked than trump would be doing a bad job

If their magic worked, I imagine they'd just be using it to libertarianize 15-year-olds, create bongs of ever-flowing pot and maybe turn themselves into dick-girls.

Replace 'bong of ever-flowing pot' with 'bottle of unending oxy', and that's just what most Trump supporters would do, too.

Probably no match for this guy

Some of you guys can only dream of being this retarded

I’m a way it must be fun being so detached from reality that fucking magic is real

I briefly hung out with members of an “””occultist””” group in college. It slowly dawned on me that pretty much all of them were serious about it, and not the overly dedicated D&D players I assumed them to be. Half of them are now wine moms and the other half are in polyamorous cliques in California.

Who could’ve guessed either of those results?

wine moms

Is that what zoomers call single mothers with a drinking problem?


Basically beth from rick and morty, sorry, ill leave now

They don’t have to be single. Just emotionally detached from family

damning yourself to hell for witchcraft to own the patriarchy

using one thing imaginary to fight another imaginary thing works out, I think

God is real & you are a faggot 🖕

We are reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

I was banned from that sub back in September 😎

Those kind of spells work way better if you also get off your ass and vote.

Showing up to the precinct riding a broomstick.

Every kind of mentally ill demographics are pro bernie.

No they don't.

I got banned from there for a comment I made on a completely different sub. Feelsbadman😔

I want these people to be a LARP. I really do. I want them to not actually think they're witches. But they do. smdh.

Day of the foidicide when?

Why the fuck is this subreddit so big? is /r/atheism attacking this shit or are they cucked losers still?

Cause magic is the best way to stop Drumpfy now that Mueller failed.

are they cucked losers still?

is this a rhetorical question, or are you actually that dumb?


to be fair, bernie’s masculinity is on par with a girls’s pee wee soccer team.

gOoD eNeRgY. People who believe in this type of shit should be deported to the 3rd world with their dumbass beliefs.

I'm sending good energy your way brother!

Namaste. My astrological signs gave me hints relating to your comment but they were unclear until I checked reddit. I have received a package of good energy and I appreciate it. My tarot reader advised me last week that something like this would happen, and it eventually did! I knew the universe functions based on good & evil energy. Back to meditation for now. xx

i did a candle spell last week to protect and shield him from coronavirus - would love to be involved in any future coordinated efforts :)

Its genuinely hard to tell if they're just LARPing or they actually believe in magic and think that they're witches. They probably read wandshit.

Oh yeah cause Pakistan is so much more open to women and the US is the one place of evil!!! (Even tho they all migrate there)

Mayo women are weird

People crave the real patriarchal gods, in whatever form.

2 more days until Bernie is completely eliminated from the primary.

Please God tell me that sub is ironic.

>shitty $0.50, gift shop, tumbled gemstones

>UwU tarot cards with no symbolism

>aromatherapy candles

Come on. If you're going to larp, at least do it with flair. Even the ebola-chan altars were better than this.

Nobody ever accused women of being smart

What's the overlap with this sub and troomer subs

I wonder what excuses they’re gonna come up with when bernie loses.