Just went for some door shopping hbu?

1  2020-03-15 by EasternAnger


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How did Gas grenades in ww1 work? There weren't even doors there... Smh something seems off

OP thinks that only steel beams can contain gases

Oy vey shut it down

Ay whas going on tone

Ain't that quacking crazy?

They still execute people in the gas chamber in Cali actually, for some reason they have a lethal injection system set up in a gas chamber. Already had the room I guess.

Also the Nazi gas chambers were entire buildings, US gas chambers are rooms within already enclosed facilities. I don't even know if the wooden door thing is true but it would just mean the gas gets ventilated into the outside. Which is where all of it eventually gets ventilated anyway.

This could literally just be pictures of people in front of wooden doors though.

Already had the room I guess.

Might as well use it. Those things cost a lot. Is that why they let all the illegals in?

Are these the doors that the Christian God is always opening and closing?

Da habe ich dich getragen


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This guy gives a detailed explanation explaining why many of the gas chamber doors were wooden at the Nazi ran concentration camps.


It's a lot of words. Sorry rightoids.

It's a lot of words

The first sign of a lie. Liars always give overly complex and detailed excuses.

it must be nice being so confident in your own retardation that you can write off anything that isn't written in pre-K english as misinformation

It's really liberating. You should try it.

hes right though, that's one of the ways to easily tell if someone is lying.

None of the Birkenau gas chambers survive, they were destroyed by the Nazis themselves and only ruins can be seen today.

No they weren't. The crematoriums were

The Aktion Reinhardt camps don't survive, but at least in some of the smaller gas chambers there wooden doors were used temporarily, until the bigger and better GCs were built, as Erich Bauer, who helped to build the Sobibor gas chambers, testified

The testimonials of Bauer and his alleged first commandant Stangl regarding the alleged gas chambers are wildly divergent on just about every detail

concentrations of gas and the durations of gassings in the delousing chambers were much more significant than in the homicidal ones

lmao what

It is hard to understand why a reinforced wooden door would be any worse than a metal one, and frankly, for the argument the deniers make about the crowd pressure the material doesn't even play any role, since if the deniers were right, metal doors of the air-raid shelter type would have been also easily destroyed.

I'm not really one for the crowd pressure argument in the first place but what kind of logic is this lmfao. Wood=metal


ok wehraboocel


Why is it such a shock that delousing took longer? Lice are way harder to kill than people.

What is a "reinforced wooden door"?