The majestic call of the Sperg

5  2020-03-16 by aspergers-on-deck


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. The majestic call of the Sperg -,

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Dont ever show that fucking clip again, what I just saw was the epitome of dust. Absolute benders making no attempt on the puck or the man. Disgraceful.

I was just ripping the puck that night, they thought I’d keep missing. I aimed for the post there and it went off and over the goalline.

Who are you playing? Retards or Cripples lol. Goalie shouldn't have stopped that from miles away.

They skate like cripples cause I’m too fast for them bro 👀

What league bro?

That’s classified. We are mostly former highschool athletes, guys that played other sports before switching and a couple old fucks.

Boomer league? Disgusting. I'm assuming you are a college player or are you older than I think.

I played as a babby and got back into it 3-4 years ago.

Did he get hit in the nuts or score a goal? I'm confused.

Went off the post and over the goalline. Hence their disappointed and my jubilant reaction.

You shoot the way women throw

Le crown for da king👑