YAASS KWEEN πŸ‘πŸ‘ redditors call for the lynching of a 11 year old who did a hecking racism

1  2020-03-17 by Dramacel69


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That thread is retarded but the kid is such a cuck letting a foid beat him down

At that age he doesn’t have the physical advantage of a masculine body, so you can’t look to badly on him for it.

πŸ€“πŸ€“ heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. YAASS KWEEN πŸ‘πŸ‘ redditors call for t... - archive.org, archive.today

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God people are ANGRY in that thread, it's glorious.

he did a heckin' racirinooo

killing him is the only reasonable reaction

if u walk up to another white dude and talk about his mother, talk shit get hit

but it's just a word nigger, u have no excuse for violence

vikangz n shiet

Little prick should have been water boarded and have his hands cut off. That would teach him imo.

All the kid did was run up and get mad at a low information voter because she voted for Biden.

But honestly, do redguard characters just automatically start the game with the wild fist swinging attack perk or is it just easier to learn?

racism is hecking cute and valid

I blame whites for this

I fucking hate redditors so much its unreal.

Threads like that just tell me the average redditor has not had the opportunity to live amongst a large number of basketball Americans

Revealed preferences lol

"My money says he's gonna be racist no matter what, and it's not his victims job to take the high road and persuade him to be a better person"

Talking about a ten year old btw

It's reasonable to become horrifically violent at a bad word, but using the biologically-correct pronouns against someone's wishes is a step too far. πŸ€”

Or is it because the people being violent are niggers, and racism of low expectations strikes again? cant expect dem bush negroes in their mud-huts to adjust to a civilised society that doesnt do trial by combat anymore.


You’re a piece of scum for ever thinking about spanking your kids

Same Redditors watching this video:

Little fuck deserves to get his head bashed in for acting like a brat

I only spank my kid when he does a gamer. And by spank I mean curb stomp.

Does that not affirm this young gentleman’s understanding of the basketballoids? Methinks he might have been well informed already.

when the racist lil crackkka thinks you're a violent animal so you beat his ass to prove him wrong

Racists take this L πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚