I got tested.

1  2020-03-17 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


i sleep 😴😴😴


  1. I got tested. - archive.org, archive.today

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Happy to see you are healthy in such strenuous times.

deux bless you

/>imagine not welcoming Corona-chan

Ok, incel.

Racist tbh

volcel if u won't

But did they test you for autism?

Of course

If you use this sub, that’s not even a question.

This is the test results for a shut-in whose only social interaction is unprotected anal sex with homeless people.

Is this assessment based on the results or your relationship with Hodor?

An independent but similar living arrangement.


Stupid secks bot!

Bad bot

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Good bot

Not testing for bovine diarrhea virus πŸ€”

This is why chapos want free healthcare

only thing u hold is the VDoor

What the hell?


Thank goodness you don’t have Coronavirus


So which one of those was the actual positive that you copypasted around?


sorry you are missing out bug fiend. I can hook you up with some Corona but I'm.gonna have to administer it anally πŸ‘Œ

Wanna meet up? I wanna unlock the dengue achievo


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Poz me daddy 😍😍😍


Dodged a bullet.