WTF I love China now

2  2020-03-17 by Cosby_Pills_and_Gash


Based bat-eating plaguebringers.

Based and dare i say.... redpilled?

they should have done this over a decade ago

They should have done this over a century ago. It may have prevented some unnecessary wars in the early to mid 1900s.

Another source:

The surprise announcement also sees the removal of U.S. journalists from the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. Below, read a portion of the statement shared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China:

China hereby announces the following measures, effective immediately:

First, in response to the US designation of five Chinese media agencies as "foreign missions", China demands, in the spirit of reciprocity, that the China-based branches of Voice of America, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and Time declare in written form information about their staff, finance, operation and real estate in China.

Second, in response to the US slashing the staff size of Chinese media outlets in the US, which is expulsion in all but name, China demands that journalists of US citizenship working with the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020 notify the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within four calendar days starting from today and hand back their press cards within ten calendar days. They will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People's Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions.

Third, in response to the discriminatory restrictions the US has imposed on Chinese journalists with regard to visa, administrative review and reporting, China will take reciprocal measures against American journalists.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Oh. So their branches. I was hoping that they bought them out in the US and was giving them the boot here.

Oy vey this is another shoah

Number 110?

I don't have a problem with The Wall Street Journal. Businessmen are the one and only demographic that needs the truth no matter how ugly at all times. I tend to trust their factual accuracy because of this. Part of why I have it delivered.

C'mon Karl let's get you back to the nursing home


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I'm serious.

I only read the newsletter of the Chinese communist party. It tells the truth that a party official needs in order to uplift his nation and his people, only the facts. All other sources of information are suspect, capitalist lies.


So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. WTF I love China now -,*

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Paywalled but here's some teasers Quote

China announces countermeasures aimed at U.S. five media outlets, including Voice of America and Time

China Bans U.S. Nationals at Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post Whose Press Credentials Expire In 2020 From Working in China, Hong Kong, Macau - Foreign Ministry

Please no, China. Not the journalists! Please don't also send our most important members of society to prison, too!

Please don't throw them in one of your gula......I mean reeducation camps what would the world do with less propagan....I mean journalists

The organs of a journalist are just as harvestable as those of a political prisoner.

That is, if China ever did that sort of thing, of course.

I'd be mad at you for posting a paywalled article but since you posted the text I'll be mad that you're expecting me to read it.

It’s annoying how self-righteous China is in press release type stuff. Sometimes I feel like it’s almost North Korea level. But the government and the public has this weird (arguably undeserved unless you’re talking about ancient civilization) sense of pride. The chosen people kinda thing. Yet outside of the big cities the country is still basically savages.

Wouldn't mind if the US followed suit tbhdesufampai

Wapo is CIA propaganda. NYT literally passes articles before the state department for pre approval. Why shouldn't they be considered foreign agents.

Don't say things I agree with, you weird faggot

China cannot fix its own vermin problem, but it is helping with ours.