White foid nonsense

3  2020-03-17 by CBT111


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wrong. Irish

Based and potato-pilled.

Dem potato niggers

I saw 74 and skimmed over it and thought "wow that's a great filter/makeup combo on that 74 year old", nope just Irish lol.

any excuse to post a picture of themselves. why are women such conceited and vapid cunts?

Redundant title

Already sexually harassed her


Sorry I only sexually harass women who wash the dirt off their nose 🤮🤮

I think people have started to unfriend me on Snapchat because I keep on posting Bernie memes. Lol

Gingers are gross. So is being covered in freckles.


No soul confirmed.

Volcel if you wouldn't

is this actually a troid

Imagine being Irish and a tranny 🤢


What sort of amerimutt combo is red hair with brown eyes

I-is that a 4/10 fantapants on the internet?


Y'all can't behave.


  1. White foid nonsense - archive.org, archive.today

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That nose is fucked. Know from experience because I have something similar but not nearly that bad. Past that I wouldn’t say she’s not attractive but also I’d say she’s not my type and also sounds like an entitled bitch

Imagine having that truffle sniffer of a '''nose''' and instead of doing everything to draw attention away from it like having a lip or eyebrow ring you put one in that half a mushroom looking proboscis . plus her hair looks really dry and brittle.

Goddamn nose rings, every time I see one I want to tear it out and see what happens. Will they bleed out? How much of the nose can you tear off by pulling on the ring? Will it hurt? How much, for how long? I hate them so much, I'm going to get myself a girl with one and put her on a leash attached to it, fuck.