At this point we all should just keep living our lives normally and get the Chinese virus so we will have immunity against it

1  2020-03-17 by PraisePerun

If some weak eggs break well it's their own fault


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Day 2:

The subject has already begun to show signs of fatigue; begins bargaining conditions of quarantine

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. At this point we all should just ke... -,

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Everyone here is incredibly weak tho lol


I've had yellow fever for years, this disease doesn't scare me.

Everybody in my city grabbed all the TP, hid in their houses for a few days, and are now resurfacing. It was a warm sunny day today and there were dozens of people at the local park.

I guess we're going to the other extreme now...

Honestly, this. At this point there's little chance of stopping the spread, they're just trying to slow it down. But by trying to slow the spread down they're crashing our economy, they're taking public and private life to an halt, they're shitting on working people. They should just give up and accept that this virus is part of reality


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