Sardine is afraid of using the word “nigga”

1  2020-03-18 by CantSpelGrapeWithout


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Good morning.

I hate SRDines.

Saying nigg*r, or nibba is still saying nigger, /u/robotortoise.

I'm white

The best thing to do is sit down, shut up, and let your darker superiors handle the word.

Don't even post, just be quiet and lurk.

You're not physically or mentally qualified to say nigger. Understand this, and learn from it.

👏🏿 Be 👏🏿 A 👏🏿 Better 👏🏿 Person 👏🏿



op is the baddest dude in the modern warfare lobby 😎