Broken Bernie Bro goes full fed mode

1  2020-03-18 by ProEvilOperations


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I think it’s funny that Bernie bros want to kill cops n shiet but at the same time are terrified of guns

Yaaaaawn 😴


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I'm going to bet that the person who tweeted this lives such a privileged life that their life will be unchanged no matter who's president.

Also their whole personality is probably internet politics and they wonder why their depressed.

Also their whole personality is probably internet politics and they wonder why their depressed.

That's literally most of the commie/trannysphere.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Broken Bernie Bro goes full fed mod... -,*

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no need for a power grid, this guys got the whole western seaboard covered

Account terminated 😭

Nah it’s just private. Somebody here posted an archive and this guy is insane. He’s a dilusional radical bernie supporter, and Probably a chapo as well