🇺🇸 USA right now 👌

1  2020-03-18 by SQLerection


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Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.

If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.


  1. 🇺🇸 USA right now 👌 - archive.org, archive.today

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Card 12. Request the jews for financial aid.

The jews have been always USA's greatest ally. Don't worry, (((they))) got you covered. Stonks may go down & fluctuate but the shekels will always remain on deck.

Can't you just borrow money from them and then expel the moneylenders from your country? Worked all over Medieval Europe.

yeah man it happened 109 times. you would think the jews would learn not to lend money


Quick let's arrest a Chinese person on fake charges to distract from the failures of our failed and outdated system

“The American system is failing and has failed, the United States is being hoist by its own petard, and all it can do is flail around and lash out at others in its fury. The United States in the current moment is a danger to itself and others, they will start a nuclear war rather than allow anyone else's system to succeed.”

Imagine being this retarded

It works better when you aren't an obvious ChiCom shill

Ok chapo

The bank has been out of money since its inception.