
1  2020-03-18 by BosnianLilB


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.


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on ide na redditu da priča o srbima i Karadžiću 25 godina poslije rata

i'm sure strange men are still fucking your mom 25 years after the war as well, what is your point

Što je beba tako ljuta? Jeli opet sanjala o četnicima?


haha sad balkan faggot. i'm not even from your continent. go make perform more mental gymnastics to justify the serbian invention of "self defense rape"

on misli da branim četnike

ide na redditu da priča amerikancima koji ne znaju da je bosna zemlja i mdecelima koji bi branili četnike o srb*ma

piše na engleski

on radi sve ovo 25 godina nakon rata

Cringe zapadnjak. BEZ KIRIJE