Can I get a Yasss Qween for this brave and stunning woman? :D :D :D

3  2020-03-18 by Im_ShaunRs


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This is the person calling you an incel on the internet

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Can I get a Yasss Qween for this br... -,

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okay so what's actually happening?

An undercover republican trying to turn people right wing.

very successful trolling

Satanic shit


spirit cooking

worship of khorn

Damn their fans are pretty hardcore for just numetal band

nice try at playing dumb, heretic.

She put a lot of work into looking like a drag queen.

Wait what? Is that a drag queen?

It’s an undercover oranj man supporter making abortion look bad1!!1😡