AHS janny falls hard for the stupidest 4chan bait in years (and even the other jannies can't convince xhir it's not real)

9  2020-03-18 by UnalignedRando


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wait... wait....

Really? Do you know who that is? Do you spend any time on the chans, or 8kun, or Gab, or Voat, or Discord/ Telegram/ Riot, or a wide variety of lessor known neo-Nazi hangouts?

I do.

But please, tell me all about these "pranks" and the "it's just a meme, bro"..


What a retard

I'm perfectly aware of what's what.

I see truth, like Plato

Has to be a bit. No one could be this dumb and gullible.

Same guy from the waterniggers post too


Get out of here nazi scum.

Nah JK MDEfugees are cool with me. Well not really.

Do you know who you're speaking to?


😭😭😭😭😭 its actually over for me

Genuinely disappointed that it isn't Tardfinn

They prefer just β€˜Barf’

/u/Chtorrr this comment does not violate any site-wide rules, is not hate speech, and is not harassment


He's so cute in his little detective hat.

Who ever said it was just memery and jokes?

Oh, but it is!

He's there too

well, while anti-depressants are shitty in this context, you do NOT want to EVER go to a special ed school. ive got this social disorder thingy that basically means i cant read emotions as well as normal people (im not hella autistic, but im a little autistic) and so my parents are making me to go a special ed school for me to be normal.

all it does is make me want to kill myself, others, and makes me agree more and more with hitler’s idea to kill all the kids with disabilities.

thanks mom.

The pasta on /r/BasedZ tho


Bardfinn is such a faggot lmao

Careful, that sperg searches for his name on reddit and reports comments mentioning him as targeted harassment. Caught a temp ban for it.

Barfcum is the sanest most well balanced individual on reddit. /s

If the 1 second i spend posting about that faggot bardfinn costs him more time to report thats a win in my book

This is the way.



Bardfinn saying the ok symbol is racist because a shooter flashed it it lmfao.

A racist man ate Wheaties this morning

room temperature IQ

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. AHS janny falls hard for the stupid... - archive.org, archive.today

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All deaf people are Nazis confirmed

Ah yes. Nazis up to their usual shit of stealing things and reappropriating them for their own use.

Rock Hurl has entered the chat

"I've seen dogwhistles embedded in the colour of shoelaces and the grip rubber of a hammer (red, white, black in specific ratios), in tattoo iconography and numeric cryptic vocabulary."


But wait...

Oh noooo. No no no no no no.



How could we be so blind?

Local AHS user found guilty for assaulting deaf person

Punch a deafie for social justice

not at all surprised that this retard has gathered almost 200k updooterinos in 1 year

I have trouble believing those idiots are real

You know they say the inability to detect satire is linked with autism.

And being a tranny apparently.


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spends all day in right-wing sites