I noticed that TAMPONS are close to being sold out. Please do not spread the word, or panic-buying might make these vital medical supplies even harder to obtain. Do not upvote. Do not post personal anecdotes. And please do not post photos.

1  2020-03-19 by thowaway_throwaway


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horseshoe theory is many dimensional


  1. I noticed that TAMPONS are close to... - archive.org, archive.today

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I'll now buy tampons but only to throw them into my local river

You could perform a public service. Put on a wig, and go to women's bathrooms (it's allowed now), and offer to young teenagers to teach them and help them use their first tampon. If anybody objects to that, sue them.

The hacker known as 4chan told me you can make a N95 mask out of them.

Someone post this on gender critical

On my way, just let me switch my account


you probably got hit with the autojannie, sis

Probably detected that she had a uterus and not a neovagina.

I foresee an uptick in users for r/freebleeding