Can the jannies do something about the mde problem

1  2020-03-19 by CornReaper

We’re getting swarmed with illegals. Is there some way the jannies can remove shitty mde memes? At the very least I want a rule that allows me to report them to vent my anger and sexual frustration


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That's too much work. What am I, a woman?

Would you do it if I doubled your paycheck?


You work for free, so yes

If you want to get rid of MDEfugees, just trigger them with something they are very sensitive.

We tried muslimposting. Maybe if the sub converted to Judaism, then the (((MDEcels))) leave? 🤔

smh have to learn yiddish now

we muslimpost too tho...


Support. Set the meme machines settings to zionism

I’ve been trying to but there’s too many. Bastards are swarming across the border

unfortunately, the lesser drama sub was more proactive and turned this sub into mde containment

enjoy your riot server brigaded downvotes loooooooser


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Lol, sorry u/CornReaper .





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just trigger them with something they are very sensitive.

Ok so just post things that are actually funny

Insulting their daddy Sam Hyde worked well yesterday

Of course

Now that their libertarian sub r/BasedZ is banned, more refugees will be at the door.



I had a conflict with many of these coomers and incels, so I used my alt and led AHS to ban their sub. Now some creep DM'd me to lead them to the next sub to ban lmao. It's called r/AllPatrol

Jaaaaaaaannies people are thinking stuff I dont like. FIX ITTTTTTTT.

The problem isn’t that they’re thinking, it’s that they’re not funny when they do it. Also this but unironically

I mean I'm black and I haven't really noticed, are you guys sensitive or what. You should have been on /r/opieandanthony or even /r/cumtown occasionally the racism was vicious, unrionic, and entertaining.

calling bill burr a niggerlover gets pretty boring after the fiftieth time 🥱

bill burr is a nigger.

Of the potato kind tho

The worst kind

The mascot of r/opieandanthony was a black woman, and their most celebrated member was a black man (cough who literally murdered his own son cough). How is that racist?

This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. Can the jannies do something about ... -,

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Let's just pull an ASH on Chapo so that the admins ban it and the refugees come here and balance out the MDEfugees

This like catching AIDs to try to balance out your cancer

Pozphobes OUT OUT OUT

How can you pull an AHS on Chapo, if AHScels are Chapo cuties?
