3  2020-03-19 by inceltiers2


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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you might think thats a fucking joke but my childhood is collecting mushrooms with my grandparents. nowdays they are cutting down the woods to build the 10th supermarket in a town with under 5000 people and other shit no one needs like a fucking pizzeria or a cinema. theyre taking our mushrooms man.

I’m sure a small handful of suddenly and inexplicably untenable retail development projects would be enough to put at least one of those guys out of business for good.

Ahhh, I love verbose fedposting

Fuck you on about

Is this schitzo hours?

be more clear please



They're cutting down woods to build wonderbread factories

For some reason all the lumberjacks are blonde women

This is why many are calling for mayocide

Note that Peter Sweden is from the UK, a poorer shittier heroin and knife infested country and was born in Norway to foreigner limey cunts. He is not from Sweden. A mixed race pale mongrel coming to bring down the standard of living and leech off of Sweden. Also, he tweeted about English being cowards unlike the previous men who went off into battle, only for him to get a letter 2 days later from asking him to sign up for the army which he had a big problem with. So basically a welfare queen taking and refusing to give anything back. Vikangz are the biggest nigger leeches of all.

Is this some kind of manic episode put into words

Well said

Holy shit man you’ve got foam all round your mouth

words words words stfu retard

I remember he got asked why he was tweeting about mushrooms on a podcast and he just sounded like an idiot




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My ancestors 🥴🥴🥴🤪🤪🤪



Fuck Mushrooms, brother

I'm a boomer and I don't understand this

tfw the filthy eurocrats took away your ability to grow mushrooms in old shoes

HAHAHAHA, nice meme

This is a meme btw 😁

I upvoted the picture posted because I liked it as well

edit : thanks for the gold kind stranger !

i love a good swiss melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms caramelized onions on a burger uh, that is hot stuff you can get that at a number of different places


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rw twitter be so amazed nature exists cuz they never leave the fucking house

Peter Sweden is such a fucking retard. He always says he's Swedish and uses the fact that he is Swedish to whore out content about Sweden.

The thing is that he's not even Swedish. He's Norwegian. In one of his videos, he insists that he is Swedish and shows his Swedish passport on the screen, where it clearly says that he is born in Norway. He also speaks with a Norwegian accent, and has never spoken Swedish in any video of him ever.

wow dont be so racist bro, dont you know that having a passport means you belong there forever no matter what?

No no no please please please I'm not racist bro I voted for trump and he has lowered black unemployment pleas e I'm not raycist please

He’s a living meme, just amazing

Peter Sweden is a chad

Are you retarded

Yes. Yes he is. Very severe case of retardation. I'm afraid we will have to put him down

Euthanasia or the family shotgun fo today
