keep coping medicucks

3  2020-03-19 by MaltOverCow


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being white

Coloredcels keep seething and coping

Alexander was against Persian bussy. There's a reason his empire fell.

being European


Could you be any more wrong?
No, you couldn't

If medcucks are so based then why do t*rks exist? 😂

I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. keep coping medicucks -,

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Meds do have superior food compared to Nords and that's all I care about.

Imagine thinking black pudding is anywhere NEAR the taste equivalent of a Paella or grand mama’s homemade tortellinis. Seethe and cope more N*rdcucks, all that IQ and you still can’t make a good dish lmao

Enjoy hiding from the sun all the time ya snowman looking sheet of flash paper

Schwarzenegger literally contains the word for black and negger lmao