Yes,she died..but 7k UPDOOOT?

1  2020-03-20 by Ikehkehkehtani


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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RIP average_redditor

he doesn't know about averageredditor

he doesn't know why average_redditor was created in the first place

redditors complain about the moderation on averageredditor

mod of averageredditor tells them they'll shit up the sub and get them banned

redditors migrate to new sub cause "fuck mods"

they shit up the new sub and it eventually gets banned

old sub has stayed up

Really makes u think...

Oh yeah I totally agree that any mildly funny subreddit ends up banned in the long run, but to the surprise of no one the subreddit with less jannie cleanups was still better. Dead, but better

Which begs the question, is it better to live free and eventually get cucked by jannies, or simp for jannies but never giving them the satisfaction of cucking you?

I'd rather get cucked by paid jannies who are actually making money by making Reddit even more Community Friendly™ than by a volunteer toilet cleaner.

Though benevolant mods can sometimes be useful & based when they realize their only purpose in life is to be glorified internet lawyers with the admins


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Never simp for jannies. Know your worth kings

> he

eww gussy in my replies? out out OUT

When ur mom dies but it's ok cause you can go on reddit and browse memes as much as you want now 😎

Plus you get free updoots 😎😎

Imagine giving a skeleton trumpet award, and a heart eyes award to a guy that said his mom just died lmfao

thank mr skeltal

Good morning, I hate Redditors.

Give me a award. Now.

If you reach 35 updoots, I'll give you silver 😉

Not with that grammar.


Who buys Reddit awards? Like, what’s the psychology behind paying money to put an icon next to a comment?

Top 5 Mysteries

I think it’s simps

I give people weird awards using the reddit coins I get for free. No reason to ever pay for that shit.

Good morning, I hate Redditors.

Nooooo mom don't die

*checks reddit karma



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My mom died AGAIN this morning 😔

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Yes,she died..but 7k UPDOOOT? -,

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If only she had died before giving birth

If only she had dated a black guy before she died

She's the true hero in these hard times of having to stay home.

Someone gave them the award “I’m deceased”

If internet numbers & sprites/icons that represent "awards" matter more than a person who you've been with your entire life, then you're retarded and deserve to suffocate. So there's that.

Yeah, describing the tragic death of your own mother in 1 sentence? Must be legit 😎

No reddit gold for dear old mom

is it just me or is it incredibly cringy to give a bunch of reddit awards to someone who just went through a serious loss

I hate this site

Worth it! 💰