the jews did it

1  2020-03-21 by MEXICANJEWWEEB


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. the jews did it -,

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What does this have to do with libertarians?

How dare they misflair this post. If u plebs cannot properly flair ur posts we will remove ur rights

Clean this up, jannies.

Fixed it for free.

Wow u really are a cheap whore

I mean, Jews also rape kids so I guess it works.


because Jews eat money

ngl, this would probably go down as the coolest thing we ever did.

Killing fatties, smokers, and oldfags.

Why would jannies do such thing? 🤔

Duh. The real question is why tho

It's the biological equivalent of Stuxnet. Infect random vulnerable hosts all around the world so that months later itbeventually reaches a handful of highly secured targets. And like Stuxnet, it's tailored only to be lethal to its real target: geriatric politicians.

Stuxnet was never actually supposed to get out in the wild though. They had an agent who was putting it into the Iranian computers on a USB stick. It's only because somebody fucked up that it got loose.


Wasn't it also developed by Burgers and Israelis? 🤔


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This is a pure coincide

That's enough of the questions, goy.


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oh fuck turn it off

Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Venis mecha.

Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Venis mecha.

Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Venis mecha.

Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Venis mecha.

Uru, Uru achim,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim
Uru achim
Belev sameach.

rejoice brother, the rest of the world will become one big settlement!

It's "Venesamecha", not "Venes mecha". It's a singular Hebrew word in the song, ונשמחה.

Thanks for pointing yourself out jude

No worries! Being helpful to goyim is one of Judaism's tenets. ותהה אור לגויים.

Great dancing music.

Jews are great dancers. Google "dancing israelis"

They are also great at the boardgame Battleship


Wiped off the map.

this is dumb bullshit. they've had plenty of cases in israel too. how many old js in boca raton do you think are going to survive this? hacidic communities in NY are already getting mass infections because they refused to stop gatherings.

those are the disposables lol they dont matter to them it makes them look less suspicious

Except they didnt. American CIA spy Is did and framed china


Based Israel.

You guys are just retarded. Only tabloids have printed this. Even Israel is fucked by this disease.

Why would a biological weapon kill 2% of those that it infects and only infect 3*10-7% of people lol.


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I also work with links sent by PM

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This is epic! Download where?